Scratch Blocks Reuse and Building a Track

Scratch programming with Scratch block reuse with a race track

Scratch Programming

The Scratch programming language is free, fun and easy to learn.

Most programming languages are text-based so a learner has to gain experience writing the code, but Scratch programming is easier as it uses blocks.

The learner selects blocks, puts them together and runs the program in a simple way making it the most fun and easiest way to learn programming.

Scratch Program: Reuse

In this lesson we reuse the code from the last task. Code reuse is an important feature of programming.

Complete the task by changing the code from task 7 as per the instructions that you can download here.

download the instructions

Task #8 Reuse Walkthrough

  • Another important part of learning to program is t learn how and when to reuse code. This task is to complete a race game. But this is similar to the last task of creating a maze as the cat moves around in the same way.
  • We start off with the code from the last task. We then change the code for the new task which includes designing a race clock. Think how you would create a clock with minutes ans seconds. Can you code it by yourself now?

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