AP Computer Science
Principles Exam Practice

Exam Preparation Practice Questions

The AP Computer Science Principles Exam tests your understanding of a range of computer science areas covered in the course framework. Students on this course need to complete the Create performance task and an end-of-course AP Exam.

Practice Questions with Solutions | Multiple Choice Questions

To help all students we have created an amazing collection of courses, articles, videos and multiple sets of practice questions. The practice exam questions are also presented with the solutions explained to help AP Computer Science Principles students.

On this page with have the two sets of practice questions from the video series called the 30 day challenge, as a video was released every day in April  both in 2022 and 2023.

30 day challenge

During the month of April we provided a short video every day to help students prepare for the AP Computer Science Principles Exam.

  • The Internet and Networks
  • Programming
  • Logic
  • Data
  • Algorithms
  • General Computing

APCSP Exam 2023 Practice Questions

AP CSP Exam Practice

In the 30 day challenge for the AP CSP Exam 2023 the practice questions are taken from previous practice questions.

These questions are often given with the answers on flashcards. these are great to give an idea of the type of questions in the AP CSP exam.

But, these flashcards give you the answer to questions that are not in the exam.

In the series of videos in the 30 day challenge a practice question and the solution is not just given, but explained.

This allows students to learn how to answer questions that are in the exam.

apcsp international student

If you wish to take the 30 day challenge then follow the video series on the YouTube playlist.

Practice Question Day 1

Which of the following places the numbers in ascending order?  i  –  01011110     ii – 5F     iii – 72
a) i, ii, iii
b) i, iii, ii
c) ii, iii, i
d) iii, i, ii

Practice Question Day 2

How do the World Wide Web and the Internet work together?
a) They perform the same functionality
b) The Web uses HTTP to share computational artifacts using the Internet
c) The Internet uses the Web to connect devices to share data
d) The Internet has the “deep” net and “dark” net but the Web does not.

Practice Question Day 3
Which statement is NOT true?
a) Lower-level languages are easier to debug because the language is closest to what the computer executes
b) Higher-level languages are easier to debug because the language is closest to natural language
c) Lower-level languages provide less abstraction
d) Higher-level languages are easier for people to code in because they are more like natural language
Practice Question Day 4
For a binary search to produce accurate results, what must be true of the data?
a) The data must be unsorted
b) The data must be sorted
c) The data must not have duplicates
d) The data must be fewer than a billion records. Otherwise, the search requires too many resources for processing
Practice Question Day 5
When listening to an online music service, you request songs “like” a specific song. How does the music site determine what to play?
a) It plays songs you have played previously
b) It plays the most requested songs from all listeners
c) It uses data-mining techniques to determine patterns in the music that are similar
d) It plays a random selection

For all your AP CSP exam needs, visit our dedicated webpage with articles, courses, details, results, tips and FAQ.

apcsp exam student passes

APCSP Exam 2022 Practice Questions

In the original 30 day challenge, each video contained multiple choice questions covering the areas of the questions potentially in the APCSP exam.

Below are the details from the videos, the transcripts of the videos, the multiple choice questions, and at the bottom the answers are given.

Try to answer the questions. It is designed to watch a video each day hence the 30 day challenge.

Multiple Choice Practice Questions

Practice Question Day 1
1. what type of network is the internet
  • a) IAN
  • b) VAN
  • c) LAN
  • d) WAN
2. give the variable age the value 21 in pseudo code
  • a) age = 21
  • b) age ← 21
  • c) var age = 21
  • d) 21 ← age
3. convert the hex number 14 to decimal
  • a) 4
  • b) 14
  • c)20
  • d)44
Practice Question Day 2
4. what is this pseudocode to print hello 

5. how are the keys used in public key encryption 

  • a) public key is private
  • b) both keys are public
  • c) both keys are private
  • d) one key is public & one key is private
6. which of these is not a valid ip address 
  • a) 123.12.321.21
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Practice Question Day 3
when saving weather reports  the date temperature and location are also stored,
the following three questions are based on this information
7. which of the following is metadata weather date report or file 

8. which question cannot be answered using metadata

  • a) what is the highest temperature recorded ?
  • b) what is the average temperature in a week ?
  • c) what is the date which had the most rainfall?
  • d) what is the most common temperature at a location ?

9. which of these statements  could not be found in the data 

  • a) temperature increases over a week
  • b) difference in temperatures between am and pm
  • c) location and date of the lowest temperature recorded
  • d) days the weather was below average temperature
Practice Question Day 4

10. Which of the following can be stored in a bit?

  • a) number 7
  • b) letter ‘a’
  • c)yes or no  choice
  • d)multiple choice answer

11. A network sends bits at Gbps, what is this rate called?

  • a) bit rate
  • b) byte rate
  • c) network rate
  • d) cable rate

DISPLAY (“one”)
DISPLAY (“two”)
12. What would be the code output?

  • a) onetwo
  • b) one two
  • c) one, two
  • d) one

Multiple Choice Practice Solutions

Practice Question Day 1 Solutions
number one the answer was d number two the answer was b number three the answer was c
Practice Question Day 2 Solutions
number four the answer was d number five d again, number six the answer was a
Practice Question Day 3 Solutions
question 7 the answer was b question 8 the answer was c , question nine the answer was b
Practice Question Day 4 Solutions
question 10 the answer was c question 11 the answer was a, question 12 the answer was b