What's the Big Ideas? Practice Questions for the AP CSP Exam

In this series of articles we will explain some of the sample questions that are provided to help AP CSP students help with exam preparation.

We have taken examples from the sample questions from the two practice question sets from 2021 and from previous practice exercises provided by the college board.

Although it does not mean these are going to be in the exam, it is assumed that the primary areas of computing, programming, networks, data and algorithms will form most of the CSP exam.

These articles will present and explain questions and answers in these areas.

AP CSP Exam Preparation: Tips for Digital Computing Questions

This article focuses on questions related to computing.

This includes the initial areas of how the computer uses binary such as in bits and bits, precision, and in digital media.

student with ap csp exam prep
students with ap csp exam prep

Network Questions in the AP Computer Science Principles Exam

This article focuses on the questions related to the Internet and networks.

This includes the initial areas of protocol, packets, architecture and security.

Programming Questions in the AP Computer Science Principles Exam

This article focuses on questions related to programming.

This includes both coding questions that are written in pseudo code, and other questions related to programming such as good writing code practices, Boolean logic and programming languages.

student with ap csp exam prep

Algorithm Questions in the AP Computer Science Principles Exam

student with ap csp exam prep

This article focuses on  questions related to algorithms.

Although there are many areas of interest related to algorithms, here we focus on the questions posed in the sample practice exams.

This includes the design with sequence, selection and iteration, and types of algorithms such as binary search and heuristics.

The AP CSP course did cover algorithm efficiency but these questions are rare in the sample questions.

There is the binary search question below in the types of algorithms section.

Data Questions in the AP Computer Science Principles Exam

This article focuses on questions related to data.

The AP CSP exam will contain questions about data. Common questions include tables with data that you need to be able to understand, with questions to test this understanding.

Other areas include big data, data in cloud storage, data security, data analysis, data mining and metadata.

student with ap csp exam prep
international student with laptop smiling

Master Programming Logic Questions in the AP Computer Science Principles Exam

This article focuses on the AP CSP exam questions related to programming logic.

This includes logical operators in programming, Boolean logic and the sequence of direction and movements to move from a start to end location.

AP Exam Preparation

To prepare for the 2 hour multiple-choice questions we have several resources. Visit our dedicated page for all your needs at AP Computer Science Principles Exam 2024