DSAT New Practice Questions for Pronoun Antecedent Agreement

Completely new practice questions for the DSAT Digital SAT Grammar area of pronoun antecedent agreement.

There are four levels that are designed to be different and hopefully increasing in difficulty. As the questions were originally created the amended to suit ESL students, please let us know if there are any improvements that you can suggest. Thank you.

Practice Questions Sections

Level 1 Questions

Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement Practice Questions

1. The team celebrated _____ victory with a party.
a) its
b) their
c) it’s
d) there

2. Each student must bring _____ own lunch to the field trip.
a) their
b) his or her
c) its
d) they’re

3. The dog chased _____ tail in circles.
a) it’s
b) its
c) their
d) his

4. Neither of the sisters wanted to admit _____ mistake.
a) her
b) their
c) its
d) there

5. The company announced _____ new policy to all employees.
a) its
b) their
c) it’s
d) his

6. Everyone should do _____ best to arrive on time.
a) their
b) his or her
c) its
d) they’re

7. The cat licked _____ paws clean after eating.
a) its
b) it’s
c) their
d) his

8. The group of friends decided to cancel _____ trip due to bad weather.
a) its
b) their
c) it’s
d) there

9. Each of the players must wear _____ uniform to the game.
a) their
b) his or her
c) its
d) they’re

10. The committee will present _____ findings at the next meeting.
a) its
b) their
c) it’s
d) his

Level 2 Questions

Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement Practice Questions

1. The team celebrated their victory, but the coach reminded them that they still had more games to win before they could claim the championship. Which underlined pronoun, if any, is incorrect?

  • a) their
  • b) them
  • c) they
  • d) No error

2. Each of the students must bring _____ own laboratory equipment to the science fair. Which is the best replacement for the underlined pronoun?

  • a) his or her
  • b) its
  • c) one’s
  • d) No change

3. Neither the principal nor the teachers were willing to change _____ stance on the new policy. Is the underlined pronoun correct?

  • a) Yes, it is correct
  • b) No, it should be “his or her”
  • c) No, it should be “his”
  • d) No, it should be “its”

4. The jury reached _____ verdict after deliberating for hours. Which is the best replacement for the underlined pronoun?

  • a) its
  • b) his or her
  • c) No change
  • d) it’s

5. Everyone in the class did _____ best on the final exam. Is the underlined pronoun usage acceptable in modern English?

  • a) Yes, it is acceptable
  • b) No, it should always be “his or her”
  • c) No, it should be “one’s”
  • d) No, it should be “its”

6. The flock of geese flew south for the winter, following _____ instincts. Is the underlined pronoun correct?

  • a) Yes, it is correct
  • b) No, it should be “their”
  • c) No, it should be “it’s”
  • d) No, it should be “his”

7. Either John or his sisters will bring _____ famous apple pie to the potluck. Which is the best replacement for the underlined pronoun?

  • a) his or her
  • b) its
  • c) No change
  • d) his

8. The committee members disagreed among themselves about the best course of action. Is the underlined pronoun correct?

  • a) Yes, it is correct
  • b) No, it should be “itself”
  • c) No, it should be “himself or herself”
  • d) No, it should be “oneself”

9. Anyone who wants to join the club must submit _____ application by Friday. Which is the best replacement for the underlined pronoun?

  • a) his or her
  • b) its
  • c) one’s
  • d) No change

10. The orchestra played _____ best performance yet, leaving the audience in awe. Is the underlined pronoun correct?

  • a) Yes, it is correct
  • b) No, it should be “their”
  • c) No, it should be “it’s”
  • d) No, it should be “his or her”

Level 3 Questions

Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement Practice Questions

1. The committee members disagreed among ________ about the proposed changes.

2. Neither of the candidates believes ________ has a chance of winning the election.
he or she

3. The jury reached ________ verdict after lengthy deliberations.

4. Each of the students must submit ________ assignment by the deadline.
his or her

5. The flock of geese made ________ way across the sky in a V-formation.

6. Everyone in the office should bring ________ own lunch to the company picnic.
his or her

7. The team celebrated ________ victory by throwing a party.

8. Either John or his sisters will lend ________ car for the trip.

9. The class voted to donate ________ fundraising money to the local animal shelter.
his or her

10. Nobody should feel that ________ opinion doesn’t matter in this discussion.
his or her

Level 4 Questions

Choose the best answer for each question.

1. The committee members debated among themselves about the best course of action, but they couldn’t reach a consensus because each had their own opinion on the matter.

Which pronoun is incorrectly used in the sentence above?
a) themself
b) they
c) their
d) No error

2. Neither the CEO nor her assistants were willing to take responsibility for the failed project, despite _____ having been directly involved in its planning and execution.

Which pronoun best completes the sentence?
a) she
b) them
c) their
d) it

3. The university prides itself on _____ diverse student body, with individuals from over 100 countries represented on campus.

Which possessive pronoun correctly completes the sentence?
a) its
b) it’s
c) their
d) there

4. The archeological team was excited about their discovery, but _____ knew that further analysis would be required to confirm the artifact’s origin and significance.

Which pronoun best maintains agreement with the singular subject “team” while acknowledging the plural nature of its members?
a) it
b) they
c) he or she
d) one

5. Every student in the advanced physics class is required to submit _____ research proposal by the end of the semester.

Which possessive pronoun is most appropriate in formal academic writing?
a) their
b) his or her
c) its
d) one’s

6. The flock of geese flew overhead, _____ honking echoing across the evening sky.

Which possessive pronoun correctly agrees with the collective noun “flock”?
a) its
b) their
c) it’s
d) theirs

7. The jury reached _____ verdict after deliberating for three days, surprising both the prosecution and the defense with the speed of their decision.

Which possessive pronoun best completes the sentence?
a) its
b) their
c) it’s
d) theirs

8. Each of the paintings in the exhibit was remarkable in _____ own way, showcasing the artist’s versatility and mastery of different styles.

Which possessive pronoun correctly agrees with the distributive pronoun “each”?
a) its
b) their
c) it’s
d) his or her

9. The data collected from the experiment _____ inconclusive, requiring the research team to revise their methodology and conduct additional trials.

Which verb form best completes the sentence, considering “data” as a plural noun?

a) was
b) were
c) are
d) is

10. Despite the company’s best efforts to maintain secrecy, someone from within the organization had leaked confidential information to the press, and now management was determined to find out who _____ was.

Which pronoun correctly completes the sentence?
a) they
b) he or she
c) it
d) that


Level 1

  1. a) its Simple pronoun agreement with a singular collective noun.
  2. b) his or her  Requires understanding of singular pronouns in a distributive context.
  3. b) its Basic pronoun for a singular non-human subject.
  4. a) her Simple pronoun agreement with a singular antecedent in a negative context.
  5. a) its Basic pronoun for a singular entity.
  6. b) his or her Requires understanding of singular pronouns in a general context.
  7. a) its Simple pronoun for a singular non-human subject.
  8. b) their Requires understanding of plural pronoun for a collective noun.
  9. b) his or her Requires understanding of singular pronouns in a distributive context.
  10. b) their Pronoun agreement with a plural collective noun.

Level 2

  1. b
  2. c
  3. d
  4. a
  5. a
  6. b
  7. a
  8. a
  9. c
  10. a
  1. Identifying correct pronoun usage in a complex sentence.
  2. Replaces the plural pronoun “their” with a singular form
  3. Testing agreement with a compound subject.
  4. Requires understanding of collective nouns and their pronouns.
  5. Acceptable use of “their” for indefinite pronoun “everyone.”
  6. Understanding of pronouns for collective nouns.
  7. Correct pronoun choice in a compound subject context.
  8. Agreement with plural subjects in a complex context.
  9. Replaces plural pronoun with singular form for more formal contexts.
  10. Pronoun agreement with a collective noun.

Level 3

  1. themselves
  2. he or she
  3. its
  4. his or her
  5. their
  6. his or her
  7. their
  8. their
  9. their
  10. his or her
  1. themselves. Testing reflexive pronoun in a plural context.
  2. he or she. Testing pronoun agreement with singular antecedent in a negative construction.
  3. its. Singular pronoun for collective noun in formal context.
  4. his or her. Singular pronoun agreement with distributive pronoun “each.”
  5. their. Plural pronoun for collective noun in a descriptive context.
  6. his or her. Singular pronoun for indefinite pronoun “everyone” in a formal context.
  7. its. Singular pronoun for collective noun.
  8. their. Plural pronoun for a compound subject.
  9. their. Plural pronoun for a collective noun in a specific context.
  10. his or her. Singular pronoun for indefinite pronoun “nobody.”

Level 4

  1. d
  2. c
  3. a
  4. a
  5. b
  6. a
  7. a
  8. a
  9. b
  10. b
  1. d) themselves Complex sentence structure with multiple pronoun agreements.
  2. c) their Requires understanding of compound subjects and nuanced pronoun agreement.
  3. a) its Possessive pronoun for singular entity with complex noun phrase.
  4. a) it Singular pronoun for collective noun with plural members.
  5. b) one’s Requires nuanced understanding of singular pronouns in academic contexts.
  6. a) their Plural pronoun for collective noun in descriptive context.
  7. a) its Singular pronoun for collective noun with detailed context.
  8. a) its Singular pronoun for distributive pronoun “each” in descriptive context.
  9. b) were Requires understanding of plural noun “data”.
  10. b) he or she Complex pronoun usage in context of an unidentified subject.

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