DSAT New Practice Questions for Verb Form

Completely new practice questions for the DSAT Digital SAT Grammar area of verb form. These include the verb tense and aspect, agreement with the subject (number), modal verbs, use of irregular verbs and other forms of verbs.

There are three levels that are designed to be different and hopefully increasing in difficulty. As the questions were originally created the amended to suit ESL students, please let us know if there are any improvements that you can suggest. Thank you.

Practice Questions Sections

Level 1 Questions

Verb Form Practice Questions

1.1 Next month, she _____ her new book to the local library. 

  • – a) donate 
  • – b) donates 
  • – c) donated 
  • – d) will donate 

1.2 The committee _____ a decision about the new policy yesterday. 

  • – a) makes 
  • – b) made 
  • – c) making 
  • – d) make 

1.3 By the time you arrive, they _____ their dinner. 

  • – a) will be finishing 
  • – b) finish 
  • – c) will have finished 
  • – d) had finished 

1.4 He _____ his keys in the car last night. 

  • – a) forget 
  • – b) forgetting 
  • – c) forgot 
  • – d) forgets 

1.5 She _____ to the gym every morning before work. 

  • – a) goes 
  • – b) gone 
  • – c) will go 
  • – d) went 

1.6 The professor and the students _____ discussing the new project. 

  • – a) is 
  • – b) are 
  • – c) was 
  • – d) were 

1.7  They _____ a beautiful song at the concert last week. 

  • – a) sung 
  • – b) sang 
  • – c) sing 
  • – d) sings 

1.8 You _____ complete the assignment before the deadline. 

  • – a) must 
  • – b) musts 
  • – c) musted 
  • – d) musting 

1.9 _____ is essential for learning a new language. 

  • – a) Practice 
  • – b) Practicing 
  • – c) Practiced 
  • – d) Practices 

1.10 I plan _____ to the museum this weekend. 

  • – a) go 
  • – b) going 
  • – c) went 
  • – d) to go 

Level 2 Questions

Verb Form Practice Questions

2.1 The team, including their coach, _____ meeting at the stadium. 

  • – a) is
  • – b) are
  • – c) was 
  • – d) were 

2.2 She _____ her homework when the power went out. 

  • – a) did 
  • – b) does 
  • – c) will do 
  • – d) had done 

2.3 By the end of the year, he _____ a significant amount of progress. 

  • – a) will make 
  • – b) makes 
  • – c) will have made 
  • – d) made 

2.4 Neither of the children _____ upset about the news. 

  • – a) is 
  • – b) are 
  • – c) was 
  • – d) were 

2.5 They _____ the old building last summer. 

  • – a) demolishes 
  • – b) demolished 
  • – c) demolish 
  • – d) demolishing 

2.6 The bakery _____ delicious pastries every morning. 

  • – a) makes 
  • – b) make 
  • – c) making 
  • – d) made 

2.7 She _____ her keys last week but has since found them. 

  • – a) lose 
  • – b) lost 
  • – c) loses 
  • – d) losing 

2.8 You _____ finish the report by tomorrow, as it’s urgent. 

  • – a) should 
  • – b) shoulds 
  • – c) shoulded 
  • – d) shoulding 

2.9 _____ is an important part of any healthy diet. 

  • – a) Eat vegetables 
  • – b) Eats vegetables 
  • – c) Eating vegetables 
  • – d) Eaten vegetables 

2.10 He seems _____ the problem on his own. 

  • – a) solve 
  • – b) solving 
  • – c) solved 
  • – d) to solve 

Level 3 Questions

Verb Form Practice Questions

3.1 By the time we meet again, she _____ her new book. 

  • – a) finished 
  • – b) finishes 
  • – c) has finished 
  • – d) will have finished 

3.2 The list of items _____ on the table. 

  • – a) is 
  • – b) are 
  • – c) were 
  • – d) was 

3.3 If they had arrived earlier, they _____ the opening remarks. 

  • – a) would hear 
  • – b) heard 
  • – c) would have heard 
  • – d) will hear 

3.4 The group of researchers _____ their findings at the conference. 

  • – a) present
  • – b) presents 
  • – c) presenting
  • – d) presented

3.5 She _____ to the new policy once it is implemented. 

  • – a) adjusted 
  • – b) adjusts 
  • – c) will adjust 
  • – d) adjusting 

3.6 All of the data _____ analyzed before the report was finalized. 

  • – a) is
  • – b) was
  • – c) are
  • – d) were

3.7 He _____ the truth about the situation. 

  • – a) has told 
  • – b) tells 
  • – c) told 
  • – d) telling 

3.8 They _____ have known about the deadline, but they missed it. 

  • – a) might 
  • – b) mights 
  • – c) mighted 
  • – d) mighting 

3.9 _____ can often improve productivity at work. 

  • – a) Take breaks 
  • – b) Taking breaks 
  • – c) Taken breaks 
  • – d) Takes breaks 

3.10 The project is expected _____ by the end of the year. 

  • – a) to be completed 
  • – b) be completed 
  • – c) completing 
  • – d) completed

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Level 1

  1. d
  2. b
  3. c
  4. c
  5. a
  6. b
  7. b
  8. a
  9. a
  10. d

Level 2

  1. b
  2. a
  3. c
  4. d
  5. b
  6. a
  7. b
  8. a
  9. c
  10. d

Level 3

  1. d
  2. a
  3. c
  4. d
  5. c
  6. b
  7. c
  8. a
  9. b
  10. a

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