English Pronunciation Practice Exercises
If you want to learn English, learn to speak English or improve your English then practice your speaking skills by learning how to make the correct sounds and pronounce words correctly.

Improve your English pronunciation with these English pronunciation exercises to help learners sound more like a native speaker. These are mainly British English words rather than American English, although both are equally correct.
Practice Sounds of English
Repeat each word twice to practice how to say each word correctly. This will help improve your pronunciation.
Vowel Sounds in English
/æ/ as in “cat”
- cat
- hat
- mat
- rat
- bat
- bag
- dad
- jam
- fan
- can
/ɛ/ as in “pen””
- pen
- hen
- bed
- red
- ten
- net
- pet
- vet
- let
- bell
/ɪ/ as in “fish”
- fish
- dish
- wish
- big
- pig
- lip
- sit
- hit
- six
- kit
/ɒ/ as in “dog”
- dog
- log
- frog
- hot
- pot
- top
- box
- fox
- mom
- dot
/ʌ/ as in “cup”
- cup
- pup
- sun
- fun
- bus
- nut
- hut
- mud
- rug
- duck
/ʊ/ – as in “book”
- book
- look
- cook
- hook
- took
- good
- wood
- foot
- put
- cushion
/u/ – as in “food”
- food
- mood
- boot
- soon
- blue
- true
- suit
- flu
- fruit
- music
/o/ – as in “go”
- go
- no
- so
- low
- road
- close
- stone
- alone
- gold
- old
/aʊ/ – as in “house”
- house
- mouse
- out
- cloud
- proud
- loud
- round
- town
- brown
- down
/ɔɪ/ – as in “boy”
- boy
- toy
- joy
- coin
- noise
- voice
- choice
- enjoy
- join
- boil
/aɪ/ – as in “bike”
- bike
- like
- time
- fine
- five
- fly
- night
- high
- right
- sky
/ə/ – as in “sofa” (start)
- about
- alone
- among
- alive
- adore
- arrive
- aside
- abandon
- afford
- accuse
/ə/ – as in “sofa” (end)
- extra
- cinema
- drama
- data
- idea
- mama
- opera
- banana
- comma
- drama
Consonant Sounds in English
/m/ – as in “mat”
- map
- mom
- man
- mud
- mop
- mess
- meat
- mint
- melt
- mill
/n/ – as in “nut”
- nap
- net
- not
- nose
- nut
- nine
- nail
- neck
- nod
- name
/p/ – as in “pat”
- pen
- pig
- pot
- pop
- pat
- pup
- pool
- peach
- pencil
- park
/t/ – as in “top”
- tip
- tap
- tom
- tent
- tan
- tug
- toy
- table
- teeth
- tail
/k/ – as in “cat”
- cup
- kit
- key
- can
- cut
- cake
- car
- coat
- king
- kite
/h/ – as in “hat”
- hen
- hot
- home
- hill
- hair
- hand
- hug
- high
- hose
- hike
/f/ – as in “fun”
- fan
- fish
- fog
- fox
- fun
- feet
- fall
- five
- fork
- felt
/b/ – as in “bat”
- bat
- bag
- bell
- bird
- box
- bake
- bed
- buck
- boat
- bear
/d/ – as in “dog”
- dog
- dot
- duck
- doll
- door
- dad
- desk
- dive
- dry
- drum
/g/ – as in “go”
- go
- get
- girl
- gas
- golf
- give
- grin
- glad
- goal
- gaze
/j/ – as in “yes”
- yes
- yellow
- you
- yarn
- yell
- year
- yawn
- yield
- yolk
- yacht
/w/ – as in “wet”
- wet
- win
- wok
- wall
- wind
- we
- well
- whale
- wait
- wax
/v/ – as in “vase”
- vase
- van
- vote
- vine
- vest
- very
- vow
- vent
- view
- voice
/s/ – as in “sit”
- sit
- sun
- sock
- seal
- soap
- see
- sad
- safe
- so
- sound
/z/ – as in “zip”
- zoo
- zap
- zero
- zebra
- zest
- zigzag
- zeal
- zombie
/θ/ – as in “thin”
- thin
- think
- thumb
- thank
- thorn
- thief
- thrill
- theatre
- theory
- thunder
/ð/ – as in “this”
- this
- that
- them
- those
- though
- there
- these
- thee
- they
/l/ – as in “left”
- left
- lip
- lot
- lamp
- leg
- lark
- lost
- laugh
- lend
- luck
/r/ – as in “red”
- rain
- rope
- river
- rose
- rake
- rabbit
- ruler
- rocket
- rust
- radio
/ʃ/ – as in “shoe”
- ship
- shy
- shell
- show
- sheep
- shadow
- shake
- shirt
- shame
- sugar
/ʒ/ – as in “measure”
- measure
- treasure
- pleasure
- vision
- fusion
- decision
- division
- collision
- television
- leisure
/ŋ/ – as in “sing”
- long
- strong
- song
- spring
- sung
- young
- king
- bring
- ring
- hang
Differences in Sounds
the difference between the “n” sound (/n/) and the “ng” sound (/ŋ/)
- sin sing
- kin king
- pin ping
- thin thing
- son song
- ron wrong
- ran rang
- ban bang
- pan pang
- hun hung
the difference between the “f” sound (/f/) and the “p” sound (/p/)
- fun pun
- fan pan
- far par
- face pace
- faint paint
- felt pelt
- fit pit
- fine pine
- flee plea
- fork pork
- four pour
the difference between the “k” sound (/k/) and the “g” sound (/g/)
- kite might
- coal goal
- card guard
- core gore
- cap gap
- cut gut
- cold gold
- cane gain
- Kate gate
the difference between the “t” sound (/t/) and the “d” sound (/d/)
- tan Dan
- tail dale
- team deem
- ten den
- tell dell
- toe doe
- town down
- time dime
- tramp damp
- tuck duck
the difference between the “v” sound (/v/) and the “w” sound (/w/)
- vine wine
- vile while
- vent went
- vest west
- vary wary
- vow wow
- van wan
- vale whale
Consonant Clusters
Word Set #1
- black
- blue
- bloom
- blend
- blink
- blame
- bless
- blow
- blade
- blast
- chair
- change
- chocolate
- chill
- chase
- check
- children
- chop
- church
- choice
- clean
- clam
- clay
- clock
- cliff
- cloud
- clown
- clap
- clip
- clutch
- crowd
- crank
- crab
- crane
- crisp
- crown
- cry
- crash
- cross
- cruise
- dream
- drive
- drama
- drink
- dress
- dread
- drill
- drove
- drum
- dragon
- flower
- flame
- flight
- flag
- flour
- flock
- floor
- flourish
- flavour
- flap
- friend
- frame
- fruit
- frog
- French
- Friday
- frozen
- frown
- fry
- fragile
- dwell
- dwindle
- dwarf
Word Set #2
- glad
- glee
- glum
- glue
- glow
- globe
- glitter
- Glass
- glance
- glaze
- grapes
- grand
- great
- green
- group
- grow
- grin
- grill
- ground
- grocery
- play
- plane
- plant
- plate
- plastic
- please
- plenty
- plus
- pluck
- plunge
- shoe
- she
- ship
- shy
- shop
- share
- shine
- sharp
- show
- shell
- sleep
- slide
- slight
- slow
- slip
- slang
- slime
- slice
- sling
- slam
- smart
- small
- smell
- smile
- smash
- smoke
- smooth
- smirk
- Smith
- snack
- snow
- sneakers
- snail
- snake
- snuggle
- snap
- snore
- snappy
- snippet
Word Set #3
- spoon
- spin
- sport
- speak
- spring
- spot
- spider
- spill
- special
- splash
- stop
- start
- step
- stick
- street
- store
- student
- steady
- stomach
- stone
- street
- strong
- strawberry
- stretch
- stream
- strike
- structure
- string
- struggle
- stress
- thing
- think
- thank
- this
- thorn
- thirst
- thirteen
- thread
- thump
- thud
- twice
- twist
- twin
- twelve
- twenty
- twig
- twitch
- two
- twinkle
- twilight
- what
- when
- where
- why
- whale
- white
- whistle
- whisk
- whack
- wheel
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