English Reading Practice: Reading Comprehension Exercises

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Reading Text #4

The Four Seasons

There are four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. In different parts of the United States, the weather during these seasons can be very different. But everyone in the country knows these four seasons. For example, in California, winter can be quite warm, while in New York, it can bring lots of snow. But both are still considered winter.

After winter, spring starts around March 20 and lasts until either June 20 or 21 in the United States (the exact date can vary a little from year to year and place to place). Spring is when the cold and snow of winter go away, and the weather becomes warmer and more pleasant. The grass turns green, and we see bees, butterflies, and birds become active again.

Next comes summer, from around June 21 to September 22. Summer is the warmest and longest season. Many students have a summer break from school during this time. It’s the season when you see lots of people out and about. People wear shorts, t-shirts, and sunglasses to enjoy the sun. To stay cool, many use air conditioning, go swimming, or visit the beach.

Autumn, also known as fall, is a beautiful season that comes after summer, from September 22 to December 21. In America autumn is famous for falling leaves, Halloween on October 31, and Thanksgiving. Farmers harvest their crops during this time. The leaves change colours, becoming orange, red, and yellow, which are the typical colours of autumn.

In the United States, winter starts on December 21 and lasts until March 20. Winter is the coldest season. In the eastern, northern, and central parts of the country, there is a lot of snow. In the western and southern regions, snow is rare, but it still gets quite cold. Winter is known for snow, Christmas, New Year’s Eve on December 31, and other special days. People often enjoy activities like ice skating, sledging, ice hockey, and snowball fights during this season.

In Japan, spring brings cherry blossoms, known as “sakura,” which cover the trees in beautiful pink and white flowers. People have picnics under the blooming trees. In Australia, summer is a time for the beach; the country is surrounded by stunning coastlines, and many people go surfing and swim in the warm sea.

In Canada, autumn is the season of vibrant maple leaves. The forests turn into a sea of red, orange, and yellow, making it a perfect time for hiking. In Russia, winter is cold but magical; they celebrate “Maslenitsa” by eating pancakes and enjoy ice skating on frozen lakes. Each country has its unique seasonal charms.

Reading Comprehension Questions

Did you understand the text? Answer these questions:

1. When does spring begin in the United States?

  • a) March 20
  • b) June 21
  • c) December 21
  • d) It varies from year to year.

2. Which season is the warmest and longest in the United States?

  • a) Fall
  • b) Winter
  • c) Summer
  • d) Spring

3. What is a famous holiday that occurs during autumn?

  • a) Christmas
  • b) Thanksgiving
  • c) New Year’s Eve
  • d) Halloween

4. What activity is commonly enjoyed during winter in snowy regions of the United States?

  • a) Swimming
  • b) Ice skating
  • c) Sunbathing
  • d) Surfing

5. What are the typical colours associated with autumn in the text?

  • a) Blue and green
  • b) Orange, red, and yellow
  • c) White and grey
  • d) Black and brown

6. Name the 5 countries mentioned in the text:

  1. ______________________
  2. ______________________
  3. ______________________
  4. ______________________
  5. ______________________

Reading Text #3

Celebrating Halloween

During Autumn in the United States, people enjoy a fun holiday called Halloween on the night of October 31st. Although it was once a religious holiday, today, it’s all about decorations, costumes, candy, and excitement.

Many folks love to carve pumpkins. They take an orange pumpkin or a similar vegetable and carefully carve a special design into it like a scary face. After that, they place a lit candle inside, turning it into a lantern. When the sun goes down, these carved creations glow brightly in the dark.

Halloween enthusiasts also enjoy decorating their homes. You’ll see figures of spooky creatures like vampires, ghosts, and zombies. Some even go for creepy stuff like bugs, spiders, and fake gravestones.

Most of the time, Halloween is for the kids. Children put on costumes, which can be anything from their favorite movie characters to mythical monsters, and go from house to house. They knock on doors, and when they’re answered, they say, “Trick or Treat.” In return, they receive delicious candies.

Not many grown-ups celebrate Halloween, but those who do often attend fun parties. So, whether you’re young or old, Halloween offers something enjoyable for everyone.

Did you understand the text? Answer these questions:

1. Where does Halloween take place?

  • a) Ireland
  • b) United States
  • c) Canada
  • d) Australia

2. What kinds of spooky creatures are often featured at Halloween?

  • a) Witches and wizards
  • b) Vampires, ghosts, and zombies
  • c) Fairies and elves
  • d) Pirates and superheroes

3. What is commonly carved to create a Halloween lantern?

  • a) Watermelon
  • b) Orange pumpkin
  • c) Cabbage
  • d) Pineapple

4. One can expect to see all of the following types of decorations on Halloween except:

  • a) Spiders and other bugs
  • b) Trees, lights and snowmen
  • c) Gravestones and zombies
  • d) Vampires

5. What do children receive when they say “Trick or Treat” during Halloween?

  • a) Toys and games
  • b) Delicious candies
  • c) Money and gifts
  • d) Colorful balloons

Reading Text #2

Stephanie’s Day in New York City

Stephanie recently enjoyed a day trip to New York City, the vibrant city in the north eastern United States. New York City, also known as the Big Apple, is a bustling urban hub with a rich history and diverse culture. Stephanie explored various attractions during her visit.

One iconic destination in the city is Central Park, a vast green oasis in the heart of Manhattan. Stephanie took a leisurely stroll through the park, admiring the lush trees, serene lakes, and lively street performers. Central Park is a favourite spot for both locals and tourists, providing a peaceful escape from the city’s hustle and bustle.

Stephanie also couldn’t miss a visit to Times Square, a dazzling commercial and entertainment hub. The square is known for its bright billboards, animated LED displays, and the bustling atmosphere created by both New Yorkers and visitors. Stephanie took a photo with the famous Naked Cowboy, a street performer who entertains crowds in his underwear and cowboy hat.

To satisfy her cultural cravings, Stephanie ventured to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, one of the largest and most prestigious art museums in the world. She marvelled at the extensive collection of art and artefacts from various eras and cultures, including paintings, sculptures, and ancient relics.

For lunch, Stephanie had a classic New York-style pizza slice from a local pizzeria. New York City is renowned for its delicious pizza, and Stephanie couldn’t resist trying a slice.

To complete her day, Stephanie explored the Statue of Liberty, an iconic symbol of freedom and democracy. She took a ferry to Liberty Island and learned about the statue’s history and significance. The panoramic view of the city skyline from the statue’s pedestal was breathtaking.

These are just a few of the highlights of Stephanie’s day in New York City. She was enchanted by the city’s unique blend of history, culture, and excitement, and she hopes to return for another visit soon.

Did you understand the text? Answer these questions:

1. How long did Stephanie spend in New York City?

  • a) An afternoon
  • b) Overnight
  • c) A day
  • d) A week

2. Which New York City destination is famous for its bright billboards and lively atmosphere?

  • a) Central Park
  • b) The Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • c) Times Square
  • d) The Statue of Liberty

3. What did Stephanie enjoy for lunch during her visit to New York City?

  • a) A hot dog
  • b) A hamburger
  • c) A slice of New York-style pizza
  • d) Sushi

4. Where did Stephanie get a panoramic view of the city skyline?

  • a) Central Park
  • b) The Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • c) Times Square
  • d) The Statue of Liberty

5. What is the Statue of Liberty a symbol of?

  • a) Democracy and freedom
  • b) New York City’s skyline
  • c) Central Park’s beauty
  • d) The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s history

Reading Text #1

A Morning Commute

My workplace is quite a distance from my home, about 50 miles away. Every morning, I need to rise early because I’m always in a hurry. There never seems to be enough time to relax at breakfast. Precisely at 6:00 am, I step into my car and start my long drive.

I generally prefer driving on the highway rather than in the city. However, during the morning rush hour, it’s not as pleasant. The heavy traffic can be a little frustrating. So, I often turn on my favourite classical music CDs in the car – Chopin, Mozart, and Bach. It’s a great way to lift my spirits.

The journey to my workplace takes about an hour. The return trip home in the evening, after a day’s work, takes even longer, perhaps around 70 minutes. Recently, I’ve been thinking of taking the train to work instead of driving. That way, I could still enjoy my music with headphones and perhaps even delve into a novel during the commute.

Did you understand the text? Answer these questions:

  1. When does the person wake up every morning?
  • a) Late in the morning
  • b) At exactly 6:00 AM
  • c) Early in the morning
  • d) After the morning rush hour

2. How is driving during the morning rush hour described?

  • a) It’s classical
  • b) Not very enjoyable
  • c) It’s relaxing
  • d) Not as much fun as walking

3. What kind of music CDs does the person enjoy listening to in the car?

  • a) Jazz
  • b) Heavy metal
  • c) Disco
  • d) Classical

4. How long might the evening drive back home take?

  • a) 50 minutes
  • b) Less than the drive in the morning
  • c) 70 kilometres
  • d) Around 70 minutes

5. What else does the person think they could do if they took a train to work?

  • a) Read a novel
  • b) Sing songs
  • c) Do crossword puzzles
  • d) Write a book

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