English Corner

Improving Your English Skills

happy students enjoying car travel

New Travel Related Idioms

The first article related to travel idioms features idioms featuring driving, path and the road. See here for the ultimate list of road idioms


Parts of Speech

Individual pages to learn grammar and the parts of speech

Further types of parts of speech in more detail. These are multi-word parts of speech.

Parts of Speech Worksheets

Free downloads (pdf) to help practice grammar and parts of speech


phrase is a group of words that work together but do not form a complete sentence. visit this webpage to see all the types of phrases.

Phrase Examples

A collection of lists of phrase examples to help students improve their understanding of phrases in English. Visit the phrase examples hub to see all of the phrase examples.

There are other types of word groups, and also more detail, examples and exercises on these phrases

Phrase Worksheets

Free downloads (pdf) to help practice phrases in English

To help you understand the many types of words, phrases, and expressions, see our page on the varieties of English expressions.


Idioms are the most used and common types of expression in English.

Idiom Examples by Category

Idioms take many forms. Here, we list, define, and give examples of idioms using categories. See Idioms by category.

Idiom Exercises

Learning idioms can be difficult but practice exercises are helpful. See idiom exercises.


Explore the different types of expressions





Some vocabulary lists to help students is available.


Digital SAT English Reading and Writing

Reading SAT Text

Reading SAT Text Textual Evidence

Reading SAT Text Quantitative Evidence

Reading SAT Text Transitions

Reading SAT Text Words in Context

Reading SAT Text Central Ideas

Reading SAT Text Inferences

Reading SAT Text Punctuation of Boundaries


This course is designed for Chinese students preparing for university by improving their English skills. It focuses on grammar and the parts of speech.

This course is a follow-up designed for students preparing for university by improving their English skills. It focuses on improving areas not covered in the first course such as phrases (noun, verb and prepositional phrases).

This course is designed for students preparing for university by improving their academic skills and study skills.

English for Study Skills is a 4 week course of various lessons to improve the academic English and study skills of students preparing for university.

English for Students


Research and Writing Task: Countries


Speaking Task: Describe the Picture


Listening Task: Stories

see the listening exercises in the parts of speech section at the top of this page

Good Luck