Improve English Language Grammar and Parts-of-Speech for Chinese Speakers
This is the second course designed to be simple to learn English for Chinese students.
It includes articles that explain parts of speech in English we need to understand that go beyond the basics of nouns and verbs.
The design focuses on phrases. A pronoun does not replace a noun but a noun phrase. This could include articles, adjectives or prepositional phrases.
By the end of this course you will improve your English proficiency.
Lesson Download
Lesson 1 Introduction – Lesson 2 Prepositional Phrases – Lesson 3 Expressions – proverbs
Lesson 4 Noun Phrases – Lesson 5 Collective Nouns – Lesson 6 Find the Idioms
Lesson 7 Noun Phrases 2 – Lesson 8 Compound Nouns – Lesson 9 Jeopardy game (no file)
Lesson 10 Verb Phrases – Lesson 11 & 12 Interview Speaking Practice
Lesson 13 Verb-Changing Phrases – Lesson 14 Phrasal Verbs – Final Lesson 15 Jeopardy game 2 (no file)
Happy Chinese New Year
Phrases in English
In this course we will cover the three types of phrases in English: noun phrases (NP), verb phrases (VP) and prepositional phrases (PP)
Prepositional Phrases
Introduction to prepositional phrases includes
Here is the previous page on prepositions.

Noun Phrases
Nouns are used with other words that affect that noun called modifiers. These form noun phrases.
It is the noun phrase that gets represented by the pronoun rather than the noun by itself.
If you wish to revise on our previous lessons, here are the pages on nouns , articles (determiners), adjectives and prepositional phrases using prepositions.
Visit our page on noun phrases

Verb Phrases
Verb phrases include helping verbs that help the man verb that include modal verbs.
An overview is seen on the page on verb phrases and the details on helping verbs including modals verbs are seen on the helping verb page.

Other Phrases
There are other types of phrases in English. Visit this website to see all these phrases:
types of phrases in English

Multiword Expressions in English
In the English language, there are many terms that use more than one word. These include collocations, compound and collective nouns, and phrasal verbs.
English collocations are a small group of words commonly used together like take a bath, do homework or heavy rain.

Countable Nouns
We already understand the basics of nouns and areas such as proper nouns, common nouns, irregular nouns and plural nouns.
Now let’s look at some more advanced areas:
Here is the previous course page on learning nouns.

Collective Nouns
Collective nouns are used to define a group of people, animals or objects
For detail, examples, exercises and worksheets then visit collective nouns

Compound Nouns
Compound nouns are formed by more than one word. For example break + fast = breakfast.
More examples and exercises see the compound noun webpage.

Phrasal Verbs
We have looked at noun phrases, prepositional phrase and will look at verb phrases next.
But in our vocabulary section we also have very short phrases like ‘give up’, ‘come on’ and ‘calm down’. These are called ‘phrasal verbs‘.

Expressions in English
In the English language, there are also many, many different types of expressions. These range from old words of wisdom such as proverbs (e.g. Chinese proverbs), to expressions that have a special meaning like idioms.

under the weather

needle in a haystack
Variety of Expressions
There are many groups of words in English that include a variety of expressions.

Expressions in English
A comprehensive look at the different types of expressions can be found with this link.

Resources from Course 1
Here is a link to the first course “Learn English Language Grammar and Parts-of-Speech for Chinese Speakers“.
Introduction to Improving your English
This course assumes you understand the basics of parts of speech. If you wish to remind yourself of these area please revise these areas first.
Resources from English for Chinese Students 2023-4
Improve English Exercises
The sets of idioms in the speaking exercise are available next. If you wish to review these and other idioms like these then visit:
- nature idioms, or
- lists of idioms in categories, or
- idiom exercises.