888111 Course: Innovative Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

Become an Innovative Entrepreneur

The ultimate resource for the innovative entrepreneurship theory and practice course that includes all the materials, the lessons, vocabulary, course objectives and deep guides into the essential activities.

Week 1: Course Introduction

Innovative business startup icons showing the many areas of a business start up

core values web page (also below in blue)

Week 1: Core Values

All the materials and information you need to find your core values: How to Find Your Core Values

Week 2: Introduction to Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Innovation is not invention. What is Innovation Entrepreneurship. People in Innovation. Is innovation important?

innovation growth to success represented by three light bulb plants

Week 2: Empathy Maps

All the materials and information you need to complete an empathy map: Guide to Empathy Maps for Students

Week 3: Opportunity for Innovation

Internal & external opportunities
Where does innovation come from?

platforms with business icons rising to a tick for success representing the stages of innovation

Week 3: Personas

All the materials and information you need to complete a customer persona: Understand Customers with User Personas

Week 4: Dynamic Innovation

creative destruction
disruptive innovation
low cost innovation

business innovative ideas represented by business people with a light bulb

Week 4: Leadership Style

All the materials and information you need to determine what type of leader are you: Leadership Style Activity for Students

Week 5: Competitive Advantage for Entrepreneurs

competitive advantage

rising blocks holding business people representing business growth

Week 5: SWOT and TOWS Analysis

All the materials and information you need to analyze your business: SWOT analysis for Students and TOWS analysis

Week 6: Core Values, Vision and Mission Statements

company values
mission and vision statements

Week 6: Core Values, Vision and Mission Statements

See examples in the business strategy pyramid article (FAQ section) linked below.

Week 7: Innovation Review and Midterm Exam Preparation

Mid term exam
Monday, 6th Jan
4.30-6.30 pm
closed book exam

  • PART 1 (10 marks)
  • Answer all ten (10) questions
  • You should write a phrase or sentence for each answer.
  • Each question is worth 1 point
  • Estimated time for part 1 is 30 minutes
  • PART 2 (10 marks)
  • Answer two (2) of the five questions
  • You should aim at answering questions in 15 minutes each.
  • Each question is worth 5 points
  • Estimated time for part 2 is 30 minutes
  • PART 3 (20 marks)
  • Answer two (2) of the five questions
  • You should aim at answering questions in 30 minutes each.
  • Each question is worth 10 points
  • Estimated time for part 2 is 60 minutes

How to write a business strategic plan

Follow the stages in the business strategic pyramid to create, implement and achieve your mission. Good luck!

business strategy pyramid

Week 8: Business Model Canvas

To understand many areas of your business you can use a business model canvas (bmc) to summarize 9 of these areas.

See below for the lesson download and the website for help on each stage.

Innovative business startup icons showing the many areas of a business start up

Week 8: Business Model Canvas

All the materials and information you need to describe your business What is a business model canvas?

Week 9: Business Plan (part 1 & 2)

What is a business plan?
Do you need a business plan?
Writing a business plan
Inside a business plan
Mission & culture: Your dreams for the organization
Company Description – background & track record

Opportunity – analysis & research
Market Strategy & Plan – reaching customers
Management & operations – making the plan happen
Financial analysis & projections – translating action into money
executive summary cover page table of contents appendices

Week 10: Construct a Business

business legal structures
teamwork, roles, networking
Intellectual Property

business innovative ideas represented by business people with a light bulb

Week 12: Marketing

P’s of marketing
new ‘P’s of marketing

marketing campaign & digital marketing

platforms with business icons rising to a tick for success representing the stages of innovation

Week 13: Finances

Financial Planning
Financial Statements
Start-up investment

innovation growth to success represented by three light bulb plants

Innovation Review and Final Exam Preparation

Week 14 & 15 Review and Pitches. Good luck to every group for your pitches and all of your exams!

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