Key Strategies for Plural and Possessive Nouns and Pronouns with Practice in SAT Grammar

What are plural and possessive nouns?
- nouns are singular if there is one and plural if there is more than one.
- possessive nouns are nouns that show possession and ownership of something
Singular and Plural Possessive Nouns
Singular Nouns:
- The dog’s bone (the bone of the dog)
- Sarah’s book (the book of Sarah)
- The teacher’s desk (the desk of the teacher
Plural Nouns (ending in ‘s’):
- The students’ classroom (the classroom of the students)
- The dogs’ park (the park of the dogs)
- The teachers’ lounge (the lounge of the teachers)
Plural Nouns (not ending in ‘s’):
- The children’s toys (the toys of the children)
- The women’s restroom (the restroom of the women)
- The men’s shoes (the shoes of the men)
Irregular Nouns:
- The mouse’s cheese (the cheese of the mouse)
- The people’s choice (the choice of the people)
- The man’s hat (the hat of the man)
Possessive Pronouns
Possessive pronouns:
- his home
- her home
- its home (no apostrophe)
- their home (the home of theirs – ownership / possession)
Pronoun with contraction
- It is home
- It’s home (with apostrophe)
- they are home (to be at home)
- they’re home (to be at home)
Practice Section
Introduction Exercises Level 1
- The _____ toys are scattered on the floor.
a) child’s b) children’s c) childs’ d) childrens’
- The _____ car is parked in the driveway.
a) neighbors b) neighbor’s c) neighbors’ d) neighbor’s’
- The _____ leaves are changing color.
a) trees b) tree’s c) trees’ d) trees’s
- The _____ pen is on the desk.
a) teachers b) teacher’s c) teachers’ d) teacher’s’
- The _____ tails are wagging.
a) dogs b) dog’s c) dogs’ d) dogs’s
- The _____ books are on the shelf.
a) students b) student’s c) students’ d) students’s
- The _____ feathers are colorful.
a) birds b) bird’s c) birds’ d) bird’s’
- The _____ whiskers are long.
a) cats b) cat’s c) cats’ d) cats’s
- The _____ petals are falling.
a) flowers b) flower’s c) flowers’ d) flower’s’
- The _____ wings are beautiful.
a) butterflies b) butterfly’s c) butterflies’ d) butterflys’
Level 2 Exercises
Exercises 2.1
- The _____ opinions were divided on the new policy.
a) employees b) employee’s c) employees’ d) employees’s
- The _____ mane is impressive.
a) lions b) lion’s c) lions’ d) lion’s’
- The _____ engines need maintenance.
a) airplanes b) airplane’s c) airplanes’ d) airplanes’s
- The _____ decisions have been controversial.
a) judges b) judge’s c) judges’ d) judges’s
- The _____ melodies are soothing.
a) violins b) violin’s c) violins’ d) violin’s’
- The _____ fur is soft and fluffy.
a) rabbits b) rabbit’s c) rabbits’ d) rabbits’s
- The _____ branches are swaying in the wind.
a) trees b) tree’s c) trees’ d) trees’s
- The _____ recipes are delicious.
a) chefs b) chef’s c) chefs’ d) chefs’s
- The _____ schedules are busy this week.
a) doctors b) doctor’s c) doctors’ d) doctors’s
- The _____ antlers are impressive.
a) deers b) deer’s c) deers’ d) deer’s’
Exercises 2.2
- Both the company’s CEO and its employees _____ opinions matter in decision-making.
a) he or she b) their c) its d) they’re
- Neither the cats nor the dog likes _____ new food.
a) their b) its c) they’re d) it’s
- Everyone should bring _____ own lunch to the picnic.
a) their b) his or her c) there d) they’re
- The team celebrated _____ victory with a party.
a) it’s b) its c) their d) there
- Each of the students must submit _____ assignment by Friday.
a) their b) his or her c) its d) they’re
- The flock of birds changed _____ direction suddenly.
a) it’s b) its c) their d) there
- Neither John nor his sisters wanted to lend _____ car for the trip.
a) their b) his or her c) its d) they’re
- The jury reached _____ verdict after long deliberation.
a) it’s b) its c) their d) there
- Every player on the team gave _____ best effort.
a) their b) his or her c) its d) they’re
- The group of tourists enjoyed _____ visit to the museum.
a) it’s b) its c) their d) there
Exercises 2.3
- The scientists’ research on bees’ behavior has revealed fascinating insights into _____ communication methods.
a) its b) their c) it’s d) there
- The company’s policies regarding employees’ use of social media during work hours _____ become stricter.
a) has b) have c) is d) are
- The children’s toys were scattered across the room’s floor, creating _____ chaotic scene.
a) a b) an c) the d) its
- The students’ essays on various countries’ cultures demonstrated _____ deep understanding of global diversity.
a) a b) an c) the d) their
- The businessmen’s laptops were left in the conference room’s storage cabinet _____.
a) overnight b) over night c) over-night d) overnite
- The geese’s honking alerted the farmers to the foxes’ presence near _____ chicken coop.
a) they’re b) their c) there d) they are
- The women’s rights movement has made significant progress over the past century, but _____ are still challenges to overcome.
a) their b) there c) they’re d) it’s
- The cities’ mayors gathered to discuss the states’ new environmental policies and _____ impact on urban development.
a) its b) their c) it’s d) there
- The mice’s squeaking in the walls kept the house’s occupants awake _____ night.
a) all b) whole c) entire d) complete
- The lawyers’ arguments in the high-profile cases’ proceedings were closely followed by _____ media.
a) a b) an c) the d) its
Practice Examples and Explanations from Khan Academy
1. Tiki and Ronde Barber were both professional football players, but Tiki never wore the uniform of his twin brothers team. Choose 1 answer:
- B his’ twin brother’s
- C his twin’s brothers
- D is twin brother’s
2. Monet painted on canvas that consisted of light hues, applying colors with his famous small brush strokes across it’s surface, resulting in the style of Impressionism.
- B his famous small brush strokes across its surface
- C his famous small brush stroke’s across it’s surface
- D his famous small brush strokes across its surface’s
3. When Marie Curie discovered radium, the elements’ properties and potential were not fully understood. Choose 1 answer:
- B the elements property’s and potential
- C the element’s properties and potential’s
- D the element’s properties and potential
4. Professional tennis players must focus despite any number of distractions, for example, a sharp ray of light reflected off of a spectator’s watch’s face. Choose 1 answer:
- B spectator’s watches
- C spectators watch’s
- D spectators’ watch’s
5. At the Gargantua Circus, all of the lion’s mane’s were groomed to look like stars for the final performance of Starry Night Over the Sahara. Choose 1 answer:
- B lions manes
- C lions’ mane’s
- D lions’ manes
6. Some peoples eyes are unusually susceptible to eye floaters: moving spots that are often caused by flecks of collagen. Choose 1 answer:
- B People’s eyes
- C People’s eyes’
- D Peoples eyes’
7. After a catastrophic storm, charitable organizations will help repair both a resident home and a shop owner storefront. Choose 1 answer:
- B a residents home and a shop owners storefront
- C a resident’s home and a shop owners storefront
- D a resident’s home and a shop owner’s storefront
8. A boa constrictor can give birth to dozens of live young, who first develop inside they’re mother’s body, protected from predators. Choose 1 answer:
- B their mothers body
- C there mother’s body
- D their mother’s body
Source: Khan Academy
Practice Solutions and Explanations
1 The answer D. his twin brother’s has the apostrophe between “brother” and “s” that demonstrates possession
2 The answer B his famous small brush strokes across its surface, corrects the use of its from the incorrect contraction (it’s) to the singular possessive determiner “its” to establish that the “surface” belongs to the canvas.
3 The answer is D as there is only one element (radium), so it should be the singular possessive “element’s” not the plural possessive “elements’ “.
4 NO CHANGE correctly puts an apostrophe between “spectator” and “s” and “watch” and “s” in order to establish that the “face” belongs to a spectator’s watch.
5 D lions’ manes correctly pluralizes “lions”, and places an apostrophe after the “s” to indicate that lions do possess their manes.
6 B correctly uses an apostrophe and an “s” to establish that the “eyes” belong to “people”.
7 D a resident’s home and a shop owner’s storefront correctly uses apostrophes and “s”s to indicate the singular possessive relationship of both “resident” and “shop owner” to their individual properties: a “home” and a “storefront”.
8 D their mother’s body correctly uses the plural possessive determiner “their” to show that the mother belongs to the “live young”. It also correctly uses the singular possessive “mother’s” to show that body belongs to the mother.
New Practice Level 5.5
Exercise 1
1. In Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Charlie’s visit to Willy Wonka’s factory is a major event. The story highlights the effects of ______ magical inventions on the children.
- Wonka’s
- Wonkas’
- Wonka
- Wonkas’
2. In J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Harry’s discovery of the wizarding world changes his life. The book explores the impact of ______ new world on his future.
- Harry’s
- Harrys’
- Harry
- Harrys’s
3. In Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Tom’s adventures in the town are exciting. The story describes the effects of ______ adventures on Tom’s friendships.
- Tom’s
- Toms’
- Tom
- Toms’s
4. In Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women, the March family faces various challenges. The novel highlights the influence of ______ family’s support on their happiness.
- March’s
- Marchs’
- March
- Marchs’s
5. In L. M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables, Anne’s life at Green Gables changes her outlook. The book explores the effects of ______ new home on Anne’s development.
- Anne’s
- Annes’
- Anne
- Annes’s
6. In C.S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the Pevensie children’s adventures in Narnia are central to the story. The novel examines the impact of ______ bravery on their journey.
- children’s
- childrens’
- child’s
- childrens’s
7. In Edith Nesbit’s The Railway Children, the children’s adventures near the railway are exciting. The book describes the influence of ______ bravery on their lives.
- children’s
- childrens’
- child’s
- childrens’s
8. In J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit, Bilbo’s journey to help the dwarves is full of adventure. The novel describes the effects of ______ courage on Bilbo’s character.
- Bilbo’s
- Bilbos’
- Bilbo
- Bilbos’s
9. In Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret Garden, Mary’s discovery of the garden has a positive impact. The story explores the influence of ______ new garden on Mary’s mood.
- Mary’s
- Marys’
- Mary
- Marys’s
10. In E.B. White’s Charlotte’s Web, the friendship between Wilbur and Charlotte is central to the plot. The novel describes the effects of ______ friendship on Wilbur’s life.
- Charlotte’s
- Charlottes’
- Charlotte
- Charlottes’s
Exercise 2
In J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the mystery of the chamber is important. The book shows the impact of ______ magical secrets on the school.
- Hogwarts’
- Hogwarts’s
- Hogwarts
- Hogwarts’s
2. In Roald Dahl’s Matilda, Matilda’s abilities are extraordinary. The story highlights the effects of ______ intelligence on her life.
- Matilda’s
- Matildas’
- Matilda
- Matildas’s
3. In C.S. Lewis’s The Silver Chair, the adventure in Narnia is thrilling. The novel explores the impact of ______ journey on the characters.
- their
- theirs
- them
- they
4. In Judy Blume’s Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret, Margaret’s struggles with adolescence are depicted. The book explores the effects of ______ growth on her relationships.
- Margaret’s
- Margarets’
- Margaret
- Margarets’s
5. In E. B. White’s Stuart Little, Stuart’s adventures are engaging. The story highlights the influence of ______ bravery on his journey.
- Stuart’s
- Stuarts’
- Stuart
- Stuarts’s
6. In Frances Hodgson Burnett’s Little Lord Fauntleroy, Cedric’s kindness changes those around him. The novel examines the impact of ______ goodness on the people he meets.
- Cedric’s
- Cedrics’
- Cedric
- Cedrics’s
7. In A.A. Milne’s Winnie-the-Pooh, Pooh’s adventures in the Hundred Acre Wood are beloved. The book explores the effects of ______ friendship on Pooh’s life.
- Pooh’s
- Poos’
- Pooh
- Poos’s
8. In Beverly Cleary’s Ramona Quimby, Age 8, Ramona’s daily life is filled with adventures. The story shows the influence of ______ family on her experiences.
- her
- hers
- she
- her’s
9. In Arnold Lobel’s Frog and Toad Are Friends, Frog and Toad’s friendship is central to the stories. The book describes the impact of ______ friendship on their lives.
- their
- theirs
- them
- they
10. In Enid Blyton’s The Famous Five, the adventures of Julian, Dick, Anne, George, and Timmy are exciting. The story explores the effects of ______ teamwork on their success.
- their
- theirs
- them
- they
New Practice Level 6.0
Exercise 1
1. In Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist, the young orphan’s adventures in London are central to the story. The novel explores the impact of ______ difficult circumstances on his life.
- Oliver’s
- Olivers’
- Oliver
- Olivers’s
2. In Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck’s experiences along the Mississippi River are vividly described. The book highlights the effects of ______ journey on his understanding of society.
- Huck’s
- Hucks’
- Huck
- Hucks’s
3. In Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women, the March sisters’ lives are portrayed in detail. The novel shows the influence of ______ family values on their growth.
- sisters’
- sister’s
- sisters
- sisters’s
4. In J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins goes on an unexpected adventure. The story explores the impact of ______ bravery on his character development.
- Bilbo’s
- Bilbos’
- Bilbo
- Bilbos’s
5. In Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea, the old man’s struggle with the marlin is central to the story. The novel examines the effects of ______ perseverance on his outlook.
- Santiago’s
- Santiagos’
- Santiago
- Santiagos’s
6. In Jane Austen’s Emma, the protagonist’s matchmaking efforts create many twists. The novel illustrates the consequences of ______ actions on her social circle.
- Emma’s
- Emmas’
- Emma
- Emmas’s
7. In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, the rise of the pigs to power is depicted. The novel explores the impact of ______ leadership on the farm animals.
- pigs’
- pig’s
- pigs
- pigs’s
8. In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the scientist’s creation faces tragic consequences. The story delves into the repercussions of ______ ambition.
- Victor’s
- Victors’
- Victor
- Victors’s
9. In J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry’s third year at Hogwarts brings new challenges. The book focuses on the effect of ______ new experiences on his growth.
- Harry’s
- Harrys’
- Harry
- Harrys’s
10. In Gabriel García Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude, the Buendía family’s story spans generations. The novel examines the influence of ______ family history on their lives.
- families’
- family’s
- families
- familys’s
Exercise 2
1. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Gatsby’s wealth and parties are central to the plot. The story explores the effects of ______ lavish lifestyle on his relationships.
- Gatsby’s
- Gatsbys’
- Gatsby
- Gatsbys’s
2. In Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, the protagonist’s experiences at Thornfield Hall shape her development. The novel examines the impact of ______ challenging situations on her character.
- Jane’s
- Janes’
- Jane
- Janes’s
3. In Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women, the novel describes the March sisters’ lives. It highlights the influence of ______ family dynamics on their personal growth.
- sisters’
- sister’s
- sisters
- sisters’s
4. In Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, the tragic fate of Anna is explored. The novel portrays the consequences of ______ societal pressures on personal choices.
- society’s
- societies’
- society
- societies’s
5. In J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield’s journey through New York City is significant. The story explores the impact of ______ personal struggles on his interactions.
- Holden’s
- Holdens’
- Holden
- Holdens’s
6. In John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, the Joad family’s hardships during the Dust Bowl are depicted. The novel focuses on the effects of ______ economic struggles on their lives.
- family’s
- families’
- families
- family
7. In Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, the novel explores the protagonist’s thoughts and experiences. The story examines the impact of ______ inner reflections on her actions.
- characters
- character’s
- characters’
- character
8. In Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, Gregor Samsa’s transformation affects his family. The novel explores the effects of ______ unusual circumstances on family dynamics.
- Samsa’s
- Samasas’
- Samsa
- Samasas’s
9. In C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia, the magical adventures of the Pevensie children are central. The book highlights the effects of ______ bravery on their quest.
- children’s
- childrens’
- child’s
- childrens’s
10. In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, the dystopian society’s structure is meticulously described. The novel examines the impact of ______ social conditioning on individual freedom.
- society’s
- societies’
- society
- societies’s
New Practice Level 6.5
Exercise 1
- In Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express, the detective Hercule Poirot solves a complex case. The novel revolves around the investigation of ______ mysterious events.
- characters’
- character’s
- characters
- character
- In J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, the young wizard’s adventures are captivating. The book describes ______ magical world in great detail.
- wizards’
- wizard’s
- wizards
- wizards’s
- In Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace, the impact of historical events on individuals is explored. The novel portrays the effects of ______ war on the lives of its characters.
- nations’
- nation’s
- nations
- nations’s
- In Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women, the story follows the lives of the March sisters. The novel captures ______ daily struggles and triumphs.
- sisters’
- sisters
- sister’s
- sisters’s
- In Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations, Pip’s journey from childhood to adulthood is central to the plot. The novel highlights the influence of ______ early experiences.
- characters
- character’s
- characters’
- character
- In Jane Austen’s Emma, the protagonist’s matchmaking schemes create numerous complications. The novel explores the consequences of ______ actions on others.
- Emma’s
- Emmas’
- Emma
- Emmas’s
- In John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, the Joad family’s struggle during the Great Depression is depicted. The novel shows the impact of ______ hardships on their lives.
- families’
- family’s
- families
- families’s
- In Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, the internal thoughts of the protagonist are explored. The novel provides insight into ______ personal reflections.
- characters
- character’s
- characters’
- character
- In Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, Gregor Samsa’s transformation into an insect affects his family. The story examines the effects on ______ relationships.
- family’s
- families’
- families
- family
- In Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Tom’s escapades are central to the story. The novel vividly describes the adventures of ______ young protagonist.
- Tom’s
- Toms’
- Tom
- Toms’s
Exercise 2
- In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, the opulent parties hosted by Jay Gatsby are central to the novel. The story focuses on the impact of ______ extravagant lifestyle on his relationships.
- Gatsby’s
- Gatsbys’
- Gatsby
- Gatsbys’s
- In Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms, the protagonist’s experiences in World War I shape his perspective on life. The novel explores the consequences of ______ wartime experiences.
- soldiers’
- soldier’s
- soldiers
- soldiers’s
- In J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield’s adventures in New York City reflect his inner turmoil. The novel examines the effects of ______ troubled mind on his interactions with others.
- Holden’s
- Holdens’
- Holden
- Holdens’s
- In Gabriel García Márquez’s Love in the Time of Cholera, the enduring romance between the main characters is a key theme. The story delves into the influence of ______ long-lasting love on their lives.
- lovers’
- lover’s
- lovers
- lovers’s
- In Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility, the contrasting personalities of the Dashwood sisters drive the plot. The novel explores the impact of ______ differing approaches to life.
- sisters’
- sister’s
- sisters
- sisters’s
- In Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper, the protagonist’s mental health is the focus of the story. The novel reveals the effects of ______ oppressive environment on her psychological state.
- husband’s
- husbands’
- husband
- husbands’s
- In C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia, the magical world of Narnia is brought to life through the adventures of children. The story highlights the influence of ______ courage on their journey.
- children’s
- childrens’
- child’s
- childrens’s
- In Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, the tragic fate of the protagonist is intertwined with the societal norms of the time. The novel explores the impact of ______ rigid societal expectations on personal happiness.
- society’s
- societies’
- society
- societies’s
- In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the scientist’s creation of a monster leads to unforeseen consequences. The novel explores the responsibility of ______ creator for the outcomes of his experiments.
- the creature’s
- the creatures’
- the creature
- the creatures’s
- In J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the mystery of the hidden chamber is central to the plot. The story involves the investigation of ______ ancient secrets.
- wizard’s
- wizards’
- wizard
- wizards’s
New Practice Level 7.0
Exercise 1
1 George Orwell’s novel 1984 provides a chilling depiction of a dystopian society. A critical element of the narrative is the government’s control over ______ thoughts and actions.
- citizens’
- citizen’s
- citizens
- citizens’s
2 In Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, the evolving relationship between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy is a central theme. Their ______ misunderstandings and revelations drive the plot forward.
- families’
- family’s
- families
- families’s
3 J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy is renowned for its richly detailed world. One of the most significant elements is the ______ quest to destroy the One Ring.
- hobbits’
- hobbit’s
- hobbits
- hobbits’s
4 In Gabriel García Márquez’s novel One Hundred Years of Solitude, the Buendía family’s history is marked by recurring patterns. The novel explores the impact of ______ past on their present.
- generations’
- generation’s
- generations
- generations’s
5 Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird addresses serious issues like racial injustice and moral growth. One of the book’s central relationships is between Scout and her ______ father, Atticus Finch.
- brothers’
- brother’s
- brother
- brothers’s
6 In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the consequences of unchecked ambition are explored through Victor Frankenstein’s creation. The novel delves into the creator’s responsibility for ______ actions.
- creature’s
- creatures’
- creatures
- creatures’s
7 Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre is a story of personal resilience and moral integrity. The novel highlights Jane’s struggle against ______ societal expectations and personal hardships.
- womens’
- women’s
- womens
- womens’s
8 In Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner, the complex relationship between Amir and Hassan is central to the story. The novel examines the impact of ______ friendship and betrayal.
- boys’
- boy’s
- boys
- boys’s
9 Toni Morrison’s Beloved deals with the haunting legacy of slavery. The novel explores the effects of trauma on Sethe and her ______ children.
- family’s
- families’
- family’s
- families’s
10 In Alice Walker’s The Color Purple, the protagonist Celie experiences profound personal growth. The novel captures her journey from oppression to ______ empowerment.
- women’s
- womens’
- woman’s
- womens’s
Exercise 2
1 In Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov’s internal conflict is a major theme. The novel delves into the consequences of ______ actions and moral dilemmas.
- characters’
- character’s
- characters
- characters’s
2 Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea tells the story of Santiago’s epic struggle with a giant marlin. The novel explores the theme of ______ perseverance and dignity.
- fishermen’s
- fisherman’s
- fishermens
- fishermens’s
3 In Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick, Captain Ahab’s obsession with the white whale leads to dramatic consequences. The narrative is a powerful exploration of ______ relentless pursuit.
- sailors’
- sailor’s
- sailors
- sailors’s
4 Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale presents a dystopian society where women’s rights are severely restricted. The novel explores the theme of ______ oppression and resistance.
- women’s
- womens’
- woman’s
- womens’s
5 In George R.R. Martin’s A Game of Thrones, the power struggles between noble families shape the story. The book is notable for its depiction of ______ complex political maneuvers.
- kingdoms’
- kingdom’s
- kingdoms
- kingdoms’s
6 In Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck’s journey down the Mississippi River is central to the novel. The story explores the development of ______ moral conscience.
- boys’
- boy’s
- boys
- boys’s
7 In E.M. Forster’s A Passage to India, the clash of cultures during British colonial rule is a key theme. The novel examines the impact of ______ prejudices and misunderstandings.
- society’s
- societies’
- society
- societies’s
8 In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, the boys’ descent into savagery is depicted with stark realism. The novel investigates the breakdown of ______ social order.
- children’s
- childrens’
- children’s
- childrens’s
9 In Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, the turbulent relationship between Catherine and Heathcliff drives the plot. The novel is renowned for its exploration of ______ passionate and destructive love.
- characters’
- character’s
- characters
- characters’s
10 In Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, the suppression of books and free thought is a central theme. The novel examines the consequences of ______ intellectual repression.
- society’s
- societies’
- society
- societies’s
Bonus Practice Questions (New Set)
Level 5.5
1. The ________ barks were loud enough to wake up the entire neighborhood.
- a) dogs’
- b) dog’s
- c) dogs
- d) dog’s’
2. The ________ meeting will be held in the conference room.
- a) employees’
- b) employee’s
- c) employees
- d) employee’s’
3. The ________ tails wagged excitedly as their owners approached.
- a) puppies’
- b) puppy’s
- c) puppies
- d) puppys’
4. The ________ leaves turned beautiful shades of red and orange in the fall.
- a) trees’
- b) tree’s
- c) trees
- d) tree’s’
5. The ________ performance was outstanding, earning a standing ovation.
- a) actors’
- b) actor’s
- c) actors
- d) actor’s’
6. The ________ engines roared as they took off from the runway.
- a) planes’
- b) plane’s
- c) planes
- d) plane’s’
7. The ________ melodies filled the concert hall with beautiful music.
- a) violins’
- b) violin’s
- c) violins
- d) violin’s’
8. The ________ petals fell gently to the ground in the spring breeze.
- a) flowers’
- b) flower’s
- c) flowers
- d) flower’s’
9. The ________ fur was soft and fluffy, making them irresistible to pet.
- a) kittens’
- b) kitten’s
- c) kittens
- d) kitten’s’
10. The ________ pages were filled with colorful illustrations and engaging stories.
- a) books’
- b) book’s
- c) books
- d) book’s’
Level 6.0
1. The __________ decision to implement new environmental policies has been met with widespread approval.
a) companies’
b) company’s
c) companies
d) companys’
2. The __________ voices could be heard from across the street as they debated the upcoming election.
a) neighbors’
b) neighbor’s
c) neighbors
d) neighbor’s’
3. The __________ wings were clipped to prevent them from flying away.
a) birds’
b) bird’s
c) birds
d) bird’s’
4. The __________ performance last night was truly spectacular.
a) actors’
b) actor’s
c) actors
d) actor’s’
5. The __________ leaves turned vibrant shades of red and orange in the autumn.
a) trees’
b) tree’s
c) trees
d) tree’s’
6. The __________ barks echoed through the neighborhood, disturbing the peace.
a) dogs’
b) dog’s
c) dogs
d) dog’s’
7. The __________ essays were all submitted on time, impressing their teacher.
a) students’
b) student’s
c) students
d) student’s’
8. The __________ petals fell gently to the ground in the light breeze.
a) roses’
b) rose’s
c) roses
d) rose’s’
9. The __________ melodies filled the concert hall, captivating the audience.
a) violins’
b) violin’s
c) violins
d) violin’s’
10. The __________ engines roared to life as the planes prepared for takeoff.
a) aircrafts’
b) aircraft’s
c) aircrafts
d) aircraft’s’
Level 6.5
1. The scientists’ research on bees’ behavior has revealed fascinating insights into their communication methods. Which of the following is the correct usage of apostrophes in the sentence?
- a) The scientists research on bees’ behavior has revealed fascinating insights into their communication methods.
- b) The scientists’ research on bees’ behavior has revealed fascinating insights into their communication methods.
- c) The scientists research on bees behavior has revealed fascinating insights into their communication methods.
- d) The scientists’ research on bees behavior has revealed fascinating insights into their communication methods.
2. The company’s policies regarding employees’ use of social media during work hours have become increasingly strict. Which option correctly uses apostrophes in the sentence?
- a) The companies policies regarding employees use of social media during work hours have become increasingly strict.
- b) The company’s policies regarding employees’ use of social media during work hours have become increasingly strict.
- c) The company’s policies regarding employees use of social media during work hours have become increasingly strict.
- d) The companies’ policies regarding employees’ use of social media during work hours have become increasingly strict.
3. The children’s toys were scattered across the room’s floor, creating a chaotic scene. Which of the following correctly uses apostrophes and plural forms?
- a) The childrens’ toys were scattered across the rooms’ floor, creating a chaotic scene.
- b) The childrens toys were scattered across the rooms floor, creating a chaotic scene.
- c) The children toys were scattered across the room floor, creating a chaotic scene.
- d) The children’s toys were scattered across the room’s floor, creating a chaotic scene.
4. The students’ essays on various countries’ cultures demonstrated a deep understanding of global diversity. Which option uses apostrophes and plural forms correctly?
- a) The student’s essays on various country’s cultures demonstrated a deep understanding of global diversity.
- b) The students’ essay’s on various countries’ culture’s demonstrated a deep understanding of global diversity.
- c) The students essays on various countries cultures demonstrated a deep understanding of global diversity.
- d) The students’ essays on various countries’ cultures demonstrated a deep understanding of global diversity.
5. The businessmen’s laptops were left in the conference room’s storage cabinet overnight. Which of the following correctly uses apostrophes and plural forms?
- a) The businessmens’ laptops were left in the conference rooms’ storage cabinet overnight.
- b) The businessmen laptops were left in the conference room storage cabinet overnight.
- c) The businessmen’s laptops were left in the conference room’s storage cabinet overnight.
- d) The businessmens laptops’ were left in the conference rooms storage cabinet overnight.
6. The geese’s honking alerted the farmers to the foxes’ presence near the chicken coop. Which option uses apostrophes and plural forms correctly?
- a) The geeses honking alerted the farmers’ to the foxs’ presence near the chicken coop.
- b) The geese honking alerted the farmers to the foxes presence near the chicken coop.
- c) The geese’s honking alerted the farmers to the foxes’ presence near the chicken coop.
- d) The geeses’ honking alerted the farmer’s to the foxes’s presence near the chicken coop.
7. The women’s rights movement has made significant progress over the past century, but there are still challenges to overcome. Which of the following correctly uses apostrophes and plural forms?
- a) The womens’ rights movement has made significant progress over the past century, but there are still challenges to overcome.
- b) The woman’s rights movement has made significant progress over the past century, but there are still challenges to overcome.
- c) The women’s rights movement has made significant progress over the past century, but there are still challenges to overcome.
- d) The women rights movement has made significant progress over the past century, but there are still challenges to overcome.
8. The cities’ mayors gathered to discuss the states’ new environmental policies and their impact on urban development. Which option uses apostrophes and plural forms correctly?
- a) The city’s mayors gathered to discuss the state’s new environmental policies and their impact on urban development.
- b) The cities mayors gathered to discuss the states new environmental policies and their impact on urban development.
- c) The cities’ mayors gathered to discuss the states’ new environmental policies and their impact on urban development.
- d) The cities’s mayors gathered to discuss the states’s new environmental policies and their impact on urban development.
9. The mice’s squeaking in the walls kept the house’s occupants awake all night. Which of the following correctly uses apostrophes and plural forms?
- a) The mice’s squeaking in the walls kept the house’s occupants awake all night.
- b) The mices’ squeaking in the walls kept the houses’ occupants awake all night.
- c) The mice squeaking in the walls kept the house occupants awake all night.
- d) The mouses’ squeaking in the walls kept the house’s occupant’s awake all night.
10. The lawyers’ arguments in the high-profile cases’ proceedings were closely followed by the media. Which option uses apostrophes and plural forms correctly?
- a) The lawyer’s arguments in the high-profile case’s proceedings were closely followed by the media.
- b) The lawyers arguments in the high-profile cases proceedings were closely followed by the media.
- c) The lawyers’ arguments in the high-profile cases’ proceedings were closely followed by the media.
- d) The lawyers’s arguments in the high-profile cases’s proceedings were closely followed by the media.
Level 7.0
1. The scientists’ research on bees’ behaviors have revealed fascinating insights into their complex social structures.
Which correction should be made to the sentence?
Change “scientists'” to “scientist’s”
Change “bees'” to “bee’s”
Change “have” to “has”
No correction needed
2. The company’s policies regarding its employees’ use of social media during work hours are currently under review.
Which of the following is true about the apostrophes in this sentence?
Both apostrophes are used correctly
The first apostrophe is incorrect, the second is correct
The first apostrophe is correct, the second is incorrect
Both apostrophes are used incorrectly
3. The children’s toys were scattered across the Jones’s living room floor.
Which correction should be made to the sentence?
Change “children’s” to “childrens'”
Change “Jones’s” to “Jones'”
Change both “children’s” to “childrens'” and “Jones’s” to “Jones'”
No correction needed
4. The geese’s migrations patterns are affected by climate change, which alters the earths ecosystems.
Which corrections should be made to the sentence?
Change “geese’s” to “geeses'” and “earths” to “earth’s”
Change “migrations” to “migration’s” and “earths” to “earth’s”
Change “migrations” to “migration” and “earths” to “earth’s”
Change “geese’s” to “geese” and “earths” to “Earth’s”
5. The committee members’ diverse backgrounds contribute to the organizations’ ability to address complex issues effectively.
Which correction should be made to the sentence?
Change “members'” to “members’s”
Change “organizations'” to “organization’s”
Change both “members'” to “members” and “organizations'” to “organizations”
No correction needed
Level 1
1. b, 2. b, 3. a, 4. b, 5. c, 6. c, 7. c, 8. b, 9. a, 10. c
Level 2
Exercise 2: 1. c, 2. b, 3. a, 4. c, 5. c, 6. b, 7. a, 8. c, 9. c, 10. b
Exercise 2.2: 1. b, 2. b, 3. a, 4. c, 5. b, 6. c, 7. b, 8. c, 9. a, 10. c
Exercise 2.3: 1. b, 2. b, 3. a, 4. a, 5. a, 6. b, 7. b, 8. b, 9. a, 10. c
Level 5.5
- a) dogs’
- b) employee’s
- c) puppies
- c) trees
- b) actor’s
- c) planes
- c) violins
- c) flowers
- a) kittens’
- c) books
Level 6.0
- b) company’s
- a) neighbors’
- a) birds’
- b) actor’s
- a) trees’
- a) dogs’
- a) students’
- b) rose’s
- a) violins’
- b) aircraft’s
Level 6.5
- b
- b
- d
- d
- c
- c
- c
- c
- a
- c
Level 7.0
- c (Change “have” to “has”)
- a (Both apostrophes are used correctly)
- b (Change “Jones’s” to “Jones'”)
- c (Change “migrations” to “migration” and “earths” to “earth’s”)
- b (Change “organizations'” to “organization’s”)