What is the Goal?

SAT exam questions include the goal of matching the central idea of the passage, or, answering a question that is based on this main idea.

What is the Central Idea?

The central idea is the main point or message that the author is making in the text.

Examples of the Central Idea

Tropical forests receive a lot of rainfall throughout the year. This constant rain keeps the forest lush and green.

Central Idea: Tropical forests receive a lot of rainfall.

Children who eat breakfast tend to do better in school. A nutritious breakfast helps them stay focused and energetic.

Central Idea: Eating breakfast helps children do better in school.


  • There is no shortcut, you need to read all of the passage.
  • I found I did not need to re-write it in my own words
  • Incorrect options often include additional information, or,
  • Wrong answers focus on words in the text that are not the main idea


  • Read the question carefully before looking at the answer options.
  • Eliminate obviously incorrect answers to improve your chances.
  • Be cautious of answers that include information not mentioned in the passage.
  • Don’t let your personal knowledge or opinions influence your choice; stick to what’s in the text.
  • If unsure, try to match the scope and tone of the answer to the passage.
  • Remember that correct answers often rephrase information from the text, while incorrect ones may add or distort information.

The Answer

  • Should cover most of the details in the text, and mention important points
  • Should not focus on just one detail, disagree with the text, or introduce new ideas not in the text.

Simple Example

Dogs need exercise to stay healthy. Walking them every day is important.

What is the main idea of the passage?

  • A) Dogs need exercise.
  • B) Walking dogs is fun.
  • C) Dogs like to play.
  • D) Dogs should eat well.

If you selected A, dogs need exercise, then you are correct. Notice the other answers are sometimes indirectly connect to the passage, even though they are not mentioned directly. Other times they will be in the text but are not the central idea.

Simple Questions

Level 1

Exercise 1

  1. Dogs are known for their loyalty and companionship. They often form strong bonds with their owners and can be trained to perform various tasks. Many people consider dogs to be part of their family. What is the main idea of the passage?
  • A) Dogs can be trained to perform various tasks.
  • B) Dogs form strong bonds with their owners.
  • C) Dogs are loyal companions and often considered part of the family.
  • D) Many people have dogs as pets.
  1. The invention of the airplane revolutionized travel. It made it possible to cross vast distances quickly and opened up new possibilities for commerce and tourism. What is the main idea of the passage?
  • A) The airplane made it possible to travel quickly.
  • B) The airplane revolutionized travel and opened up new possibilities.
  • C) The airplane was invented for tourism.
  • D) The airplane is used for commerce.

Exercise 2

  1. Eating a balanced diet is essential for maintaining good health. It provides the body with necessary nutrients and helps prevent chronic diseases. What is the main idea of the passage?
  • A) Eating a balanced diet helps prevent chronic diseases.
  • B) Eating a balanced diet is essential for good health.
  • C) A balanced diet provides necessary nutrients.
  • D) Good health is achieved through eating.
  1. Reading regularly can improve vocabulary and comprehension skills. It also enhances imagination and creativity. What is the main idea of the passage?
  • A) Reading improves vocabulary and comprehension.
  • B) Reading enhances imagination and creativity.
  • C) Regular reading has multiple benefits.
  • D) Reading is an important skill.

Level 2

Exercise 1

  1. Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power are becoming increasingly popular because they provide a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. These sources help reduce carbon emissions, making them crucial in the fight against climate change. What is the main idea of the passage?
  • A) Solar and wind power are popular energy sources.
  • B) Renewable energy sources are sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels.
  • C) Carbon emissions can be reduced with renewable energy.
  • D) Fossil fuels are being replaced by renewable energy.
  1. Exercise is not only beneficial for physical health but also for mental well-being. Regular physical activity can reduce stress, improve mood, and boost overall mental health.” What is the main idea of the passage?
  • A) Exercise reduces stress.
  • B) Exercise improves mood.
  • C) Exercise benefits both physical and mental health.
  • D) Physical activity is good for mental health.

Exercise 2

  1. Urbanization has led to significant changes in lifestyle. While it offers numerous conveniences, it also brings challenges such as overcrowding, pollution, and increased cost of living. What is the main idea of the passage?
  • A) Urbanization offers numerous conveniences.
  • B) Urbanization brings challenges like overcrowding and pollution.
  • C) Urbanization has significantly changed lifestyles, offering both conveniences and challenges.
  • D) The cost of living has increased due to urbanization.
  1. Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Its impacts are widespread, affecting weather patterns, sea levels, and biodiversity. Addressing climate change requires global cooperation and immediate action. What is the main idea of the passage?
  • A) Climate change affects weather patterns.
  • B) Climate change impacts sea levels and biodiversity.
  • C) Addressing climate change requires global cooperation.
  • D) Climate change is a pressing issue that requires immediate action and global cooperation.

Level 3

Exercise 1

  1. The development of artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform various industries. From healthcare to finance, AI applications can improve efficiency, accuracy, and decision-making processes. However, ethical considerations and potential job displacement are significant concerns. What is the main idea of the passage?
  • A) AI applications can improve efficiency in various industries.
  • B) AI has the potential to transform industries but raises ethical concerns.
  • C) AI is used in healthcare and finance.
  • D) Job displacement is a concern with AI development.
  1. Social media platforms have changed the way people communicate and share information. While they offer opportunities for connection and self-expression, they also raise issues related to privacy, misinformation, and mental health. What is the main idea of the passage?
  • A) Social media offers opportunities for connection.
  • B) Social media raises issues related to privacy and misinformation.
  • C) Social media has transformed communication but has drawbacks.
  • D) Mental health is affected by social media use.

Exercise 2

  1. Scientific research has shown that a good night’s sleep is crucial for overall health. Sleep helps repair the body, consolidate memory, and regulate emotions. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to serious health problems such as heart disease and diabetes. What is the main idea of the passage?
  • A) Sleep helps repair the body and consolidate memory.
  • B) Chronic sleep deprivation can cause health problems.
  • C) A good night’s sleep is crucial for overall health.
  • D) Sleep regulates emotions.
  1. The concept of a circular economy aims to minimize waste and make the most of resources. By designing products for longevity, reuse, and recycling, this model contrasts with the traditional linear economy of ‘take, make, dispose’.” What is the main idea of the passage?
  • A) The circular economy minimizes waste.
  • B) The circular economy focuses on product longevity.
  • C) The circular economy contrasts with the traditional linear economy.
  • D) The concept of a circular economy aims to maximize resource use and minimize waste.

Simple Questions Explained

Level 1, Exercise 1

  1. What is the main idea of the passage about dogs?

   – Answer: C) Dogs are loyal companions and often considered part of the family.

   – Explanation: The passage emphasizes the loyalty and companionship of dogs, their strong bonds with owners, and that many people consider them part of the family. This encompasses the overall main idea of the passage better than the other options.

  1. What is the main idea of the passage about the airplane?

   – Answer: B) The airplane revolutionized travel and opened up new possibilities.

   – Explanation: The passage highlights how the invention of the airplane revolutionized travel, making it possible to cross vast distances quickly and opening new possibilities for commerce and tourism. This option captures the comprehensive impact described in the passage.

Exercise 2

  1. What is the main idea of the passage about a balanced diet?

   – Answer: B) Eating a balanced diet is essential for good health.

   – Explanation: The passage states that eating a balanced diet is essential for maintaining good health, providing necessary nutrients, and preventing chronic diseases. This option covers the overall importance of a balanced diet for health.

  1. What is the main idea of the passage about reading regularly?

   – Answer: C) Regular reading has multiple benefits.

   – Explanation: The passage discusses how reading regularly improves vocabulary and comprehension, and enhances imagination and creativity. This option captures the multiple benefits mentioned in the passage.

Level 2, Exercise 1

  1. What is the main idea of the passage about renewable energy?

   – Answer: B) Renewable energy sources are sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels.

   – Explanation: The passage explains that renewable energy sources like solar and wind power provide sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels, helping reduce carbon emissions and fighting climate change. This option encompasses the main idea more fully than the others.

  1. What is the main idea of the passage about exercise?

   – Answer: C) Exercise benefits both physical and mental health.

   – Explanation: The passage mentions the benefits of exercise for physical health and mental well-being, including reducing stress, improving mood, and boosting overall mental health. This option captures both aspects discussed.

Level 2, Exercise 2

  1. What is the main idea of the passage about urbanization?

   – Answer: C) Urbanization has significantly changed lifestyles, offering both conveniences and challenges.

   – Explanation: The passage describes how urbanization has led to changes in lifestyle, offering conveniences but also bringing challenges like overcrowding, pollution, and increased cost of living. This option captures the dual nature of urbanization’s impact.

  1. What is the main idea of the passage about climate change?

   – Answer: D) Climate change is a pressing issue that requires immediate action and global cooperation.

   – Explanation: The passage highlights the widespread impacts of climate change and the need for global cooperation and immediate action to address it. This option captures the urgency and the need for a collective effort.

Level 3, Exercise 1

  1. What is the main idea of the passage about artificial intelligence?

   – Answer: B) AI has the potential to transform industries but raises ethical concerns.

   – Explanation: The passage discusses how AI can transform various industries by improving efficiency, accuracy, and decision-making processes, while also raising ethical concerns and potential job displacement. This option captures both the positive and negative aspects mentioned.

  1. What is the main idea of the passage about social media?

   – Answer: C) Social media has transformed communication but has drawbacks.

   – Explanation: The passage describes how social media has changed communication and information sharing, offering opportunities for connection and self-expression, but also raising issues related to privacy, misinformation, and mental health. This option captures both the benefits and drawbacks.

Level 3, Exercise 2

  1. What is the main idea of the passage about sleep?

   – Answer: C) A good night’s sleep is crucial for overall health.

   – Explanation: The passage explains the importance of good sleep for health, including body repair, memory consolidation, emotion regulation, and preventing health problems. This option captures the overall importance of sleep for health.

  1. What is the main idea of the passage about the circular economy?

   – Answer: D) The concept of a circular economy aims to maximize resource use and minimize waste.

   – Explanation: The passage describes the circular economy’s goal to minimize waste and make the most of resources by designing products for longevity, reuse, and recycling. This option captures the primary aim of the circular economy concept.

Advanced Analysis

Types of Central Ideas Questions

  1. Main Idea Questions ask you to identify the central point or primary message of the entire passage.
  2. Inference Questions ask you to draw a logical conclusion based on the information in the text.
  3. Specific Detail Questions ask about particular facts or information stated in the text.
  4. Character Analysis Questions ask you to understand and describe a character based on the passage.
  5. Comparison Questions ask you to identify similarities or differences between things described.
  6. Interpretation Questions ask you to understand the deeper meaning of the text, often in literary passages.

Main Idea Questions:

  • Read the entire passage carefully.
  • Look for ideas that are repeated or emphasized.
  • Be wary of options that focus on minor details rather than the overall message.
  • The correct answer often summarizes the passage without adding new information.

Inference Questions:

  • Look for clues throughout the passage.
  • Think about what the information implies or suggests.
  • Avoid answers that require assumptions not supported by the text.
  • The correct answer often connects different pieces of information from the passage.

Specific Detail Questions:

  • Look for descriptions of the character’s actions, thoughts, and dialogue.
  • Consider what these details reveal about the character’s personality or motivations.
  • Avoid answers based on stereotypes or assumptions not supported by the text.

Character Analysis Questions:

  • Scan the passage to locate the relevant information.
  • Be careful of answers that slightly change or exaggerate the stated information.
  • The correct answer often uses similar wording to the passage.
  • Beware of options that combine correct and incorrect information.

Comparison Questions:

  • Identify the specific elements being compared.
  • Look for words indicating comparison (like, as, similar to, etc.).
  • Be careful of answers that make comparisons not present in the text.

Interpretation Questions:

  • Consider the overall tone and context of the passage.
  • Think about the author’s purpose or message.
  • Be careful of answers that use the normal meaning of words that are different in the text

Official Digital SAT Examples

main idea questions

1. The most recent iteration of the immersive theater experience Sleep No More, which premiered in New York City in 2011, transforms its performance space—a five-story warehouse—into a 1930s-era hotel. Audience members, who wander through the labyrinthine venue at their own pace and follow the actors as they play out simultaneous, interweaving narrative loops, confront the impossibility of experiencing the production in its entirety. The play’s refusal of narrative coherence thus hinges on the sense of spatial fragmentation that the venue’s immense and intricate layout generates.

What does the text most strongly suggest about Sleep No More’s use of its performance space?

Choose 1 answer:

  • A The production’s dependence on a particular performance environment would likely make it difficult to reproduce exactly in a different theatrical space.
  • B Audience members who navigate the space according to a recommended itinerary will likely have a better grasp of the play’s narrative than audience members who depart from that itinerary.
  • C The choice of a New York City venue likely enabled the play’s creators to experiment with the use of theatrical space in a way that venues from earlier productions could not.
  • D Audience members likely find the experience of the play disappointing because they generally cannot make their way through the entire venue.

2 For centuries, the widespread acknowledgment of the involvement of the cerebellum—a dense brain structure in vertebrates—in coordinating motor control in humans has hindered recognition of other possible functions of the structure. Neuroscience research from the last two decades now suggests that the cerebellum regulates emotion and social behavior, and recent research by Ilaria Carta and colleagues has identified a pathway connecting the cerebellum to a center for motivation and reward processing known as the ventral tegmental area (VTA).

Which choice best states the main idea of the text?

Choose 1 answer:

  • A The recent verification of a pathway between the VTA and the cerebellum confirms the cerebellum’s long-suspected role in motor coordination.
  • B Recent advances in the field of neuroscience have challenged widely accepted claims about the function of a pathway connecting the VTA and the cerebellum.
  • C Technological limitations have historically hindered the study of the cerebellum, but the recent development of new technologies has led to greater insights into its functions.
  • D The cerebellum has primarily been thought to regulate motor functioning, but in recent years neuroscience researchers have been uncovering additional functions

inference question

3. Algae living within the tissues of corals play a critical role in keeping corals, and the marine ecosystems they are part of, thriving. Some coral species appear brown in color when healthy due to the algae colonies living in their tissues. In the event of an environmental stressor, the algae can die or be expelled, causing the corals to appear white. To recover the algae, the bleached corals then begin to produce bright colors, which block intense sunlight, encouraging the light-sensitive algae to recolonize the corals.

What does the text most strongly suggest about corals that produce bright colors?

Choose 1 answer:

  • A These corals are likely more vulnerable to exposure from intense sunlight than white corals are.
  • B These corals have likely been subjected to stressful environmental conditions.
  • C These corals have likely recovered from an environmental event without the assistance of algae colonies.
  • D These corals are more likely to survive without algae colonies than brown corals are.


question 1

  • A is correct as it says that the production’s use of its large space has a very specific effect on the audience, so it is important to creating this effect, and it would be difficult to reproduce the production in a different space.
  • B, Incorrect as the text doesn’t mention a recommended itinerary for audience members.
  • C, Incorrect as the fact that the venue is in New York City isn’t connected to the experimental nature of the performance. It’s the size of the venue, not its location in New York, that affects the theatrical experience.
  • D, Incorrect as the text never suggests that audience members are disappointed because they can’t see the entire production.

question 2

  • A, incorrect as the text doesn’t say this. the cerebellum is involved in functions other than motor coordination
  • B, Incorrect as the text doesn’t say this, it doesn’t discuss any previous “widely accepted claims”
  • C, Incorrect as the text doesn’t say this. It never discusses any technological limitations or any new technologies.
  • D, Correct The text says that the cerebellum has long been thought to regulate motor functioning, but new research shows that it may also have other functions—including regulating emotion and social behavior and some connection to motivation and rewards processing.

question 3

  • A, incorrect, this isn’t supported by the text. bright colors make the coral’s health less vulnerable to intense sunlight.
  • B is the best choice, we can infer that corals that produce bright colors have probably been subjected to an environmental stressor.
  • C, Incorrect, this isn’t supported by the text. The text does not say that corals have recovered without the assistance of algae colonies
  • D, incorrect this isn’t supported by the text. The text never compares the likelihood of differently colored corals surviving without algae colonies.

Source of the official questions: Khan Academy

Digital SAT Practice Questions

Level 4

Exercise 1

1. Advancements in medical technology have significantly improved patient outcomes. Innovations such as minimally invasive surgery and telemedicine have made treatments more accessible and less risky. These developments have revolutionized healthcare, leading to faster recovery times, reduced complications, and improved overall quality of life for patients.

What is the main idea of the passage?

  • A) Medical technology advancements improve patient outcomes.
  • B) Minimally invasive surgery is beneficial.
  • C) Telemedicine has made treatments more accessible.
  • D) Medical technology advancements have benefits and challenges.

2. Public transportation systems play a vital role in urban areas by reducing traffic congestion and pollution. Effective public transit can also promote economic growth and improve the quality of life for residents. However, maintaining and expanding these systems requires significant investment.

    What is the main idea of the passage?

  •    – A) Public transportation reduces traffic congestion.
  •    – B) Public transportation promotes economic growth.
  •    – C) Public transportation improves quality of life.
  •    – D) Public transportation has benefits but requires investment.

Exercise 2

1. The increasing use of plastic has led to severe environmental issues. Plastics take hundreds of years to decompose, contributing to landfill overflow and ocean pollution. Efforts to reduce plastic waste include recycling programs and the development of biodegradable alternatives.

    What is the main idea of the passage?

  •    – A) Plastic takes a long time to decompose.
  •    – B) Efforts to reduce plastic waste are underway.
  •    – C) The increasing use of plastic causes environmental issues.
  •    – D) Biodegradable alternatives to plastic are being developed.

2. Biodiversity is essential for maintaining the balance of ecosystems. Each species plays a unique role, contributing to the overall health and stability of the environment. Human activities, such as deforestation and pollution, are major threats to biodiversity.

    What is the main idea of the passage?

  •    – A) Biodiversity maintains ecosystem balance.
  •    – B) Biodiversity is essential for environmental health and stability.
  •    – C) Human activities threaten biodiversity.
  •    – D) Each species plays a unique role in the environment.

Level 5

Exercise 1

1. Digital literacy has become a crucial skill in the modern world. The ability to navigate and critically evaluate information online is essential for personal and professional success. Educational institutions are increasingly incorporating digital literacy into their curricula to prepare students for the demands of the digital age.

    What is the main idea of the passage?

  •    – A) Digital literacy is important for personal success.
  •    – B) Educational institutions teach digital literacy.
  •    – C) Digital literacy is crucial in the modern world and is being integrated into education.
  •    – D) Evaluating information online is a key component of digital literacy.

2. Climate change mitigation requires a multifaceted approach, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing energy efficiency, and implementing renewable energy sources. Governments, businesses, and individuals all have roles to play in addressing this global challenge. Cooperation and innovation are key to making meaningful progress.”

    What is the main idea of the passage?

  •    – A) Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is important for climate change mitigation.
  •    – B) Climate change mitigation requires a multifaceted approach involving all sectors.
  •    – C) Increasing energy efficiency helps address climate change.
  •    – D) Governments and businesses must cooperate to address climate change.

Exercise 2

1.  Urban farming is an emerging trend that promotes sustainable food production within city environments. By utilizing rooftops, vacant lots, and other urban spaces, city dwellers can grow fresh produce locally. This practice not only reduces food transportation costs but also enhances urban green spaces.

    What is the main idea of the passage?

  •    – A) Urban farming promotes sustainability and enhances green spaces in cities.
  •    – B) Urban farming utilizes city spaces for food production.
  •    – C) Urban farming reduces food transportation costs.
  •    – D) City dwellers benefit from growing fresh produce locally.

2. The gig economy is reshaping the workforce, providing flexibility and autonomy to workers. Freelancers and gig workers can choose their projects and work hours. However, this model also lacks job security and benefits traditionally provided by employers.

    What is the main idea of the passage?

  •    – A) The gig economy provides flexibility to workers.
  •    – B) Freelancers can choose their projects.
  •    – C) The gig economy lacks job security and benefits.
  •    – D) The gig economy reshapes the workforce, offering flexibility but lacking job security.

Level 6

Exercise 1

1. The rise of e-commerce has significantly altered consumer behavior. Online shopping offers convenience, a wider range of products, and often lower prices compared to traditional retail. This shift has led to a dramatic increase in digital transactions, with more consumers than ever before turning to online platforms for their shopping needs. The trend has accelerated rapidly, transforming the retail landscape and reshaping consumer expectations.

What is the main idea of the passage?

  • A) E-commerce offers convenience and lower prices.
  • B) Online shopping changes consumer behavior and presents new challenges.
  • C) E-commerce has altered consumer behavior and transformed retail.
  • D) Traditional retail is declining due to online shopping.

2. Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various fields, from healthcare to finance. AI systems can analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, leading to improved decision-making and efficiency. This technology has the potential to solve complex problems, enhance productivity, and create new opportunities across industries. As AI continues to advance, it is poised to drive innovation and reshape the future of work and society.

What is the main idea of the passage?

  • A) AI is revolutionizing fields through data analysis and improved efficiency.
  • B) AI is transforming industries but raises ethical concerns.
  • C) AI systems improve decision-making in healthcare and finance.
  • D) AI has the potential to solve complex problems and reshape society.

Exercise 2

1. Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, are essential for combating climate change. They provide a clean alternative to fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Investments in renewable energy infrastructure are crucial for a sustainable future.

    What is the main idea of the passage?

  •    – A) Solar and wind power combat climate change.
  •    – B) Renewable energy reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
  •    – C) Investing in renewable energy is crucial for sustainability.
  •    – D) Renewable energy is essential for a sustainable future and combating climate change.

2. Telecommuting has become increasingly popular, especially in the wake of global events that necessitate remote work. This shift has benefits such as reduced commute times and increased flexibility for employees. However, it also poses challenges like maintaining productivity and managing remote teams effectively.

    What is the main idea of the passage?

  •    – A) Telecommuting reduces commute times.
  •    – B) Remote work offers flexibility for employees.
  •    – C) Telecommuting has benefits and challenges.
  •    – D) Managing remote teams is a challenge in telecommuting.

Level 7

Exercise 1

1. The integration of technology in education has transformed the learning experience. Digital tools and resources facilitate interactive and personalized learning, making education more accessible. However, there are concerns about the digital divide and ensuring equitable access to technology for all students.

    What is the main idea of the passage?

  •    – A) Technology makes education more interactive.
  •    – B) Digital tools personalize learning.
  •    – C) Technology transforms education but raises concerns about equitable access.
  •    – D) The digital divide is a concern in education.

2. Climate change is impacting biodiversity worldwide. Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns are altering habitats, leading to shifts in species distributions and behaviors. Conservation efforts must adapt to these changing conditions to protect vulnerable species and ecosystems.

    What is the main idea of the passage?

  •    – A) Climate change alters habitats and species behaviors.
  •    – B) Biodiversity is impacted by climate change.
  •    – C) Conservation efforts must adapt to changing conditions.
  •    – D) Climate change impacts biodiversity, requiring adaptive conservation efforts.

Exercise 2

1. Economic globalization has fundamentally transformed the world’s markets, leading to unprecedented levels of international trade and economic interdependence. This phenomenon has fueled rapid economic growth and development across various regions, particularly in emerging economies. The integration of global markets has created new opportunities for businesses to expand their reach, access diverse resources, and tap into a global consumer base.

What is the main idea of the passage?
* A) Globalization increases international trade.
* B) Economic globalization leads to economic growth and development.
* C) Globalization exacerbates income inequality.
* D) Economic globalization brings growth but also challenges like inequality and sustainability concerns.

2. Advances in genetic research have ushered in a new era of medical possibilities, revolutionizing our approach to treating and preventing diseases. Gene editing technologies, such as CRISPR, represent a groundbreaking development in this field, offering unprecedented precision in modifying genetic material. These innovations hold immense potential for curing genetic disorders, enhancing human health, and even addressing complex medical challenges that were once considered insurmountable.

What is the main idea of the passage?
* A) Genetic research advances medical treatments.
* B) Gene editing technologies can cure genetic disorders.
* C) Advances in genetic research offer revolutionary medical possibilities.
* D) Advances in genetic research offer medical potential but raise ethical concerns.

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Digital SAT practice - answers

Level 4

  • 1.1 a
  • 1.2 d
  • 2.1 c
  • 2.2 b

Level 5

  • 1.1 c
  • 1.2 b
  • 2.1 a
  • 2.2 d

Level 6

  • 1.1 c
  • 1.2 a
  • 2.1 d
  • 2.2 c

Level 7

  • 1.1 c
  • 1.2 d
  • 2.1 b
  • 2.2 c

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