Understanding SAT Texts: Effective Approaches to Words in Context

sat students reading and studying with exam preparation

What is the Goal?

To select the most logical and precise word or phrase in a given context, but, reading comprehension is just as important as our knowledge of vocabulary


  • Note the highlighted word , or the sentence with the blank
  • Note the options
  • Read the text
  • Try your choice as the blank or swapped with the underlined word
  • If unsure find the context, the best clue in the text
  • If guessing remove incorrect then choose your best answer

Simple Example of Words in Context

Mary thought she did not need a coat as it was only a _________ .

Choose the best option that supports the meaning of the text.

  • A.light shower
  • B. light storm
  • C. heavy shower
  • D. heavy storm

Digital SAT Words in Context Question Format

There are two types of format for words in context DSAT questions:

1. a blank line represents where the word should appear in the passage. You choose the best option to be used in this blank position.

2. A word is underlined. You must choose the best option from the choices that means the same as this word, in this context.

For example:

  1. … a librarian noted that pieces by the spoken-word poet don’t lose their ______ nature when printed
  2. This quality was continually breaking through his punctilious manner in the shape of restlessness.

What is Statement - Restatement?

Read the provided text carefully, often you will find the clue in the surrounding text. For example:

  • The poems keep their _____ nature when printed.
  • The poems have the same pleasant musical quality when “on the page”.
  • answer (similar to) = pleasant musical

What is Connotation?

The text may have a underlying meaning so the connotation is easily identified, for example positive or negative, new or old, good or bad, etc.. For example

  • need a coat vs not need a coat
  • light rain vs heavy storm
  • answer: need a coat = heavy storm, not need a coat = light rain

Example 2

The following text is from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s 1925 novel The Great Gatsby.
[Jay Gatsby] was balancing himself on the dashboard of his car with that resourcefulness of movement that is so peculiarly American—that comes, I suppose, with the absence of lifting work in youth and, even more, with the formless grace of our nervous, sporadic games. This quality was continually breaking through his punctilious manner in the shape of restlessness.
As used in the text, what does the word “quality” most nearly mean? Choose 1 answer:
  • A characteristic
  • B standard
  • C prestige
  • D accomplishment

Examples  source: Khan Academy


Example 1

  • Jarring isn’t a logical word choice. Based on the text, we’re looking for a word that means something similar to “pleasant musical quality”. “Jarring” would suggest the opposite: something unpleasant or discordant.
  • Scholarly isn’t a logical word choice. Based on the text, we’re looking for a word that means something similar to “pleasant musical quality”. “Scholarly” would suggest something that is academic or well-researched, which doesn’t match the meaning we’re looking for.
  • Melodic is the best choice. Based on the text, we’re looking for a word that means something similar to “pleasant musical quality”. That’s exactly what “melodic” means.
  • Personal isn’t a logical word choice. Based on the text, we’re looking for a word that means something similar to “pleasant musical quality”. “Personal” would suggest something that is expressive or intimate, which doesn’t match the meaning we’re looking for.
  • If we look at the second part of the prompt text (the part after the colon), it tells us what Bao Phi’s poems are like: they have a “pleasant musical quality”. The most precise word in this context will emphasize the same positive association with music.
  • “Melodic” also means pleasant and musical, so it best emphasizes the point being made in context. The answer is (C).
  • Notice how the blank in the first statement lines up with the phrase pleasant musical quality in the second statement. This is the context that tells us what word that we should choose: the word that most closely means “pleasant” and “musical”.
  • Tip: Often, there will be one word or phrase in the text that has nearly the same meaning as the correct answer. Find the right context clues, and the next part should be easy.

Example 2

  • Characteristic is the best choice. “This quality” refers to Gatsby’s “resourcefulness of movement”, which is described as a characteristic or trait of his.
  • Standard isn’t what “quality” means in this context. Here, “this quality” refers to Gatsby’s “resourcefulness of movement”, which is described as a characteristic or trait of his. “Standard” is a synonym for a different definition of “quality”: the degree of excellence of something.
  • Prestige isn’t what “quality” means in this context. Here, “this quality” refers to Gatsby’s “resourcefulness of movement”, which is described as a characteristic or trait of his. “Prestige” would suggest a high status or an admirable reputation, which doesn’t match that description.
  • Accomplishment isn’t what “quality” means in this context. Here, “this quality” refers to Gatsby’s “resourcefulness of movement”, which is described as a characteristic or trait of his. “Accomplishment” would suggest an achievement, which doesn’t match that description.
  • Like many words, “quality” can mean different things in different contexts. It can be a noun that means something like “attribute”, but it can also describe how good something is (e.g, “high quality” vs “low quality”). How is it being used here?
  • “This quality” is phrased in a way that refers back to something in the previous sentence. In particular, it seems to link to “that resourcefulness of movement…”, which the previous sentence works hard to describe. That whole phrase, in turn, is being use to characterize the way is behaving.
  • So, “quality” is being used to describe an “attribute” of how Gatsby is behaving. (A), “characteristic”, matches this use.

1 Learning & Improving English

Level 1 Exercise 1

  1. The book is on the ________.
    • A) sky
    • B) tree
    • C) table
    • D) water
  2. She writes her notes in a ________.
    • A) notebook
    • B) spoon
    • C) bottle
    • D) shirt
  3. They ate lunch in the ________.
    • A) classroom
    • B) library
    • C) park
    • D) ocean
  4. The cat is chasing a ________.
    • A) pencil
    • B) mouse
    • C) cup
    • D) shoe
  5. He drinks water from a ________.
    • A) chair
    • B) cup
    • C) hat
    • D) phone
  6. She sleeps on a ________ at night.
    • A) bed
    • B) window
    • C) door
    • D) lamp
  7. They watched a movie in the ________.
    • A) garden
    • B) cinema
    • C) kitchen
    • D) car
  8. He cuts paper with ________.
    • A) scissors
    • B) shoes
    • C) books
    • D) pillows
  9. She types letters on a ________.
    • A) keyboard
    • B) toothbrush
    • C) pillow
    • D) sandwich
  10. They travel to school by ________.
    • A) airplane
    • B) train
    • C) boat
    • D) bus

Level 1 Exercise 2

  1. She turned off the ________ before leaving the room.
    • A) book
    • B) light
    • C) chair
    • D) door
  2. He wears a ________ on his wrist to tell the time.
    • A) watch
    • B) ring
    • C) shoe
    • D) hat
  3. They were late because they missed the ________.
    • A) meal
    • B) lesson
    • C) bus
    • D) door
  4. The dog was barking at the ________.
    • A) tree
    • B) moon
    • C) stranger
    • D) book
  5. She used a ________ to clean the floor.
    • A) broom
    • B) brush
    • C) spoon
    • D) knife
  6. He bought a new ________ to take photos on his trip.
    • A) pen
    • B) camera
    • C) pillow
    • D) book
  7. They enjoyed a ________ walk in the park.
    • A) heavy
    • B) boring
    • C) pleasant
    • D) loud
  8. She put the ________ in the fridge to keep it cold.
    • A) keys
    • B) milk
    • C) book
    • D) shirt
  9. He found his missing shoe under the ________.
    • A) bed
    • B) sky
    • C) tree
    • D) car
  10. They listened to music on the ________.
    • A) radio
    • B) window
    • C) chair
    • D) lamp

Level 1 Exercise 3

1. She used a ________ to find her way in the dark.

  •    – A) phone
  •    – B) flashlight
  •    – C) book
  •    – D) pillow

2. He finished his homework and then went to ________.

  •    – A) bed
  •    – B) school
  •    – C) eat
  •    – D) play

3. They saw a beautiful ________ in the sky after the rain.

  •    – A) rainbow
  •    – B) cloud
  •    – C) bird
  •    – D) star

4. She bought a ________ to water the plants.

  •    – A) bucket
  •    – B) shovel
  •    – C) hose
  •    – D) towel

5. He locked the ________ before leaving the house.

  •    – A) window
  •    – B) door
  •    – C) car
  •    – D) fence

6. They traveled to the top of the mountain to enjoy the ________.

  •    – A) food
  •    – B) sunset
  •    – C) beach
  •    – D) city

7. She put the letter in an ________ before sending it.

  •    – A) envelope
  •    – B) email
  •    – C) phone
  •    – D) office

8. He planted a ________ in the garden.

  •    – A) tree
  •    – B) table
  •    – C) chair
  •    – D) wall

9. They heard a loud ________ during the storm.

  •    – A) whisper
  •    – B) thunder
  •    – C) clock
  •    – D) song

10. She used the ________ to dry her hair.

  •     – A) towel
  •     – B) comb
  •     – C) scissors
  •     – D) soap

2 Digital SAT Introduction Questions

Level 2 Exercise 1

  1. She put the flowers in a ________.
    • A) cup
    • B) vase
    • C) box
    • D) bag
  2. He writes with his ________ hand.
    • A) wrong
    • B) right
    • C) long
    • D) short
  3. The sky turned ________ before it started to rain.
    • A) green
    • B) blue
    • C) red
    • D) gray
  4. They sat on the ________ to watch the sunset.
    • A) floor
    • B) roof
    • C) bench
    • D) road
  5. She enjoys reading ________ in her free time.
    • A) books
    • B) letters
    • C) signs
    • D) lists
  6. He was feeling ________ after his long run.
    • A) hungry
    • B) thirsty
    • C) sleepy
    • D) bored
  7. They decided to meet at the ________ for lunch.
    • A) station
    • B) office
    • C) restaurant
    • D) school
  8. She bought a ________ for her friend’s birthday.
    • A) gift
    • B) ticket
    • C) bag
    • D) book
  9. The cat is sleeping on the ________.
    • A) chair
    • B) table
    • C) floor
    • D) bed
  10. They traveled to the ________ for their vacation.
    • A) city
    • B) village
    • C) beach
    • D) mountain

Level 2 Exercise 2

  1. John couldn’t start his day without a cup of ________.
  • A water
  • B tea
  • C juice
  • D milk
  1. The room was so ________ that I couldn’t hear what she was saying.
  • A loud
  • B quiet
  • C empty
  • D crowded
  1. She looked at the old photograph and felt a wave of ________.
  • A hunger
  • B nostalgia
  • C excitement
  • D curiosity
  1. He finished the race in a ________ time.
  • A slow
  • B competitive
  • C remarkable
  • D disappointing
  1. They decided to take a ________ walk after dinner.
  • A brief
  • B fast
  • C slow
  • D quiet
  1. The concert was ________ due to the rain.
  • A delayed
  • B postponed
  • C canceled
  • D rescheduled
  1. The students were ________ about their final exams.
  • A excited
  • B nervous
  • C indifferent
  • D confident

       8 We need to buy some ________ for the picnic.

  • A games
  • B drinks
  • C books
  • D flowers
  1. She found a ________ job after months of searching.
  • A permanent
  • B temporary
  • C difficult
  • D easy
  1. He gave her a ________ smile.
  • A sad
  • B happy
  • C nervous
  • D fake

3 Digital SAT Practice Questions

Official Examples of Words in Context

Example 1

In recommending Bao Phi’s collection Sông I Sing, a librarian noted that pieces by the spoken-word poet don’t lose their ______ nature when printed: the language has the same pleasant musical quality on the page as it does when performed by Phi.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase? Choose 1 answer:
  • A jarring
  • B scholarly
  • C melodic
  • D personal

Example 2

The following text is from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s 1925 novel The Great Gatsby.
[Jay Gatsby] was balancing himself on the dashboard of his car with that resourcefulness of movement that is so peculiarly American—that comes, I suppose, with the absence of lifting work in youth and, even more, with the formless grace of our nervous, sporadic games. This quality was continually breaking through his punctilious manner in the shape of restlessness.
As used in the text, what does the word “quality” most nearly mean? Choose 1 answer:
  • A characteristic
  • B standard
  • C prestige
  • D accomplishment

Examples  source: Khan Academy


Example 1

  • Jarring isn’t a logical word choice. Based on the text, we’re looking for a word that means something similar to “pleasant musical quality”. “Jarring” would suggest the opposite: something unpleasant or discordant.
  • Scholarly isn’t a logical word choice. Based on the text, we’re looking for a word that means something similar to “pleasant musical quality”. “Scholarly” would suggest something that is academic or well-researched, which doesn’t match the meaning we’re looking for.
  • Melodic is the best choice. Based on the text, we’re looking for a word that means something similar to “pleasant musical quality”. That’s exactly what “melodic” means.
  • Personal isn’t a logical word choice. Based on the text, we’re looking for a word that means something similar to “pleasant musical quality”. “Personal” would suggest something that is expressive or intimate, which doesn’t match the meaning we’re looking for.
  • If we look at the second part of the prompt text (the part after the colon), it tells us what Bao Phi’s poems are like: they have a “pleasant musical quality”. The most precise word in this context will emphasize the same positive association with music.
  • “Melodic” also means pleasant and musical, so it best emphasizes the point being made in context. The answer is (C).
  • Notice how the blank in the first statement lines up with the phrase pleasant musical quality in the second statement. This is the context that tells us what word that we should choose: the word that most closely means “pleasant” and “musical”.
  • Tip: Often, there will be one word or phrase in the text that has nearly the same meaning as the correct answer. Find the right context clues, and the next part should be easy.

Example 2

  • Characteristic is the best choice. “This quality” refers to Gatsby’s “resourcefulness of movement”, which is described as a characteristic or trait of his.
  • Standard isn’t what “quality” means in this context. Here, “this quality” refers to Gatsby’s “resourcefulness of movement”, which is described as a characteristic or trait of his. “Standard” is a synonym for a different definition of “quality”: the degree of excellence of something.
  • Prestige isn’t what “quality” means in this context. Here, “this quality” refers to Gatsby’s “resourcefulness of movement”, which is described as a characteristic or trait of his. “Prestige” would suggest a high status or an admirable reputation, which doesn’t match that description.
  • Accomplishment isn’t what “quality” means in this context. Here, “this quality” refers to Gatsby’s “resourcefulness of movement”, which is described as a characteristic or trait of his. “Accomplishment” would suggest an achievement, which doesn’t match that description.
  • Like many words, “quality” can mean different things in different contexts. It can be a noun that means something like “attribute”, but it can also describe how good something is (e.g, “high quality” vs “low quality”). How is it being used here?
  • “This quality” is phrased in a way that refers back to something in the previous sentence. In particular, it seems to link to “that resourcefulness of movement…”, which the previous sentence works hard to describe. That whole phrase, in turn, is being use to characterize the way is behaving.
  • So, “quality” is being used to describe an “attribute” of how Gatsby is behaving. (A), “characteristic”, matches this use.

Words in Context Exercise Explanations

Level 1 Exercise 1

1. The book is on the ________.  C (table)

  •  A table is a common place to put a book.
  •   – A (sky): Objects cannot be placed in the sky.
  •   – B (tree): Books are not typically found on trees.
  •   – D (water): Books do not float or sit on water.

2. She writes her notes in a ________. A (notebook)

  •   A notebook is used for writing notes.
  •   – B (spoon): A spoon is used for eating, not writing.
  •   – C (bottle): A bottle is for holding liquids, not for writing.
  •   – D (shirt): A shirt is worn as clothing, not for writing notes.

3. They ate lunch in the ________. C (park)**

  • A park is a common place to have a picnic or eat lunch.
  •   – A (classroom): Classrooms are typically used for studying, not eating.
  •   – B (library): Libraries are for reading and studying, not for eating.
  •   – D (ocean): Eating lunch in the ocean is impractical and unrealistic.

4. The cat is chasing a ________. B (mouse)

  • Cats commonly chase mice.
  •   – A (pencil): Cats do not typically chase pencils.
  •   – C (cup): Cups are not something cats chase.
  •   – D (shoe): Shoes are not a common object for cats to chase.

5. He drinks water from a ________. B (cup)

  • A cup is a standard container for drinking water.
  •   – A (chair): Chairs are for sitting, not drinking.
  •   – C (hat): Hats are worn on the head, not used for drinking.
  •   – D (phone): Phones are for communication, not for drinking.

6. She sleeps on a ________ at night. A (bed)

  • Beds are used for sleeping.
  •   – B (window): Windows are parts of buildings, not for sleeping.
  •   – C (door): Doors are for entry, not for sleeping.
  •   – D (lamp): Lamps are for lighting, not for sleeping.

7. They watched a movie in the ________. B (cinema)

  •  Cinemas are places designed for watching movies.
  •   – A (garden): Gardens are for plants, not for watching movies.
  •   – C (kitchen): Kitchens are for cooking, not for watching movies.
  •   – D (car): Cars are for transportation, not for watching movies.

8. He cuts paper with ________. A (scissors)

  •  Scissors are tools specifically designed for cutting.
  •   – B (shoes): Shoes are worn on feet, not for cutting.
  •   – C (books): Books are for reading, not for cutting.
  •   – D (pillows): Pillows are for resting, not for cutting.

9. She types letters on a ________. A (keyboard)

  • Keyboards are used for typing.
  •   – B (toothbrush): Toothbrushes are for cleaning teeth, not typing.
  •   – C (pillow): Pillows are for resting, not typing.
  •   – D (sandwich): Sandwiches are for eating, not typing.

10. They travel to school by ________. D (bus)**

  •  Buses are a common mode of transportation for schoolchildren.
  •   – A (airplane): Airplanes are not typically used for daily school travel.
  •   – B (train): Trains are used in some places, but buses are more commonly associated with school travel.
  •   – C (boat): Boats are uncommon for traveling to school.

Level 1 Exercise 2

  1. Light is the only option you can turn off before leaving a room.
    • Incorrect options (book, chair, door) are not objects you turn off.
  2. Watch is worn on the wrist to tell time.
    • Incorrect options (ring, shoe, hat) are not related to telling time on the wrist.
  3. Bus is commonly missed causing lateness.
    • Incorrect options (meal, lesson, door) are not typically missed causing lateness.
  4. Stranger is a common cause for a dog to bark.
    • Incorrect options (tree, moon, book) are unusual objects for a dog to bark at.
  5. Broom is the correct tool for cleaning the floor.
    • Incorrect options (brush, spoon, knife) are not typically used for cleaning floors.
  6. Camera is used to take photos.
    • Incorrect options (pen, pillow, book) are not used for photography.
  7. Pleasant is a suitable adjective for an enjoyable walk.
    • Incorrect options (heavy, boring, loud) do not describe an enjoyable walk.
  8. Milk is kept in the fridge to stay cold.
    • Incorrect options (keys, book, shirt) are not kept in the fridge.
  9. Bed is a common place to find a missing shoe.
    • Incorrect options (sky, tree, car) are less likely or impossible places to find a shoe.
  10. Radio is used to listen to music.
    • Incorrect options (window, chair, lamp) are not used for listening to music.

Level 1 Exercise 3

1: She used a ________ to find her way in the dark.

  • – **Correct Answer: B (flashlight)**
  •   – **Explanation:** A flashlight is used to see in the dark.
  • – **Incorrect Answers:**
  •   – A (phone): Could be used, but not as accurate as flashlight.
  •   – C (book): Cannot help in the dark.
  •   – D (pillow): Irrelevant to finding way in dark.

2: He finished his homework and then went to ________.

  • – **Correct Answer: A (bed)**
  •   – **Explanation:** It’s common to go to bed after finishing homework at night.
  • – **Incorrect Answers:**
  •   – B (school): You don’t usually go to school after homework.
  •   – C (eat): Could be a follow-up activity but not as common.
  •   – D (play): Less likely than going to bed, especially at night.

3: They saw a beautiful ________ in the sky after the rain.

  • – **Correct Answer: A (rainbow)**
  •   – **Explanation:** Rainbows typically appear after rain.
  • – **Incorrect Answers:**
  •   – B (cloud): Clouds are common, not special after rain.
  •   – C (bird): Birds can appear anytime, not specific to after rain.
  •   – D (star): Stars are seen at night, not specific to after rain.

4: She bought a ________ to water the plants.

  • – **Correct Answer: C (hose)**
  •   – **Explanation:** Hoses are used for watering plants.
  • – **Incorrect Answers:**
  •   – A (bucket): Could be used, but less efficient.
  •   – B (shovel): Used for digging, not watering.
  •   – D (towel): Irrelevant to watering plants.

5: He locked the ________ before leaving the house.

  • – **Correct Answer: B (door)**
  •   – **Explanation:** Doors are commonly locked for security.
  • – **Incorrect Answers:**
  •   – A (window): Less common to lock windows before leaving.
  •   – C (car): Irrelevant to leaving the house.
  •   – D (fence): Fences are not typically locked.

6: They traveled to the top of the mountain to enjoy the ________.

  • – **Correct Answer: B (sunset)**
  •   – **Explanation:** Mountains are popular spots for watching sunsets.
  • – **Incorrect Answers:**
  •   – A (food): Not specific to mountain tops.
  •   – C (beach): Beaches are not on mountains.
  •   – D (city): City views might be seen, but not the main reason.

7: She put the letter in an ________ before sending it.

  • – **Correct Answer: A (envelope)**
  •   – **Explanation:** Letters are placed in envelopes before mailing.
  • – **Incorrect Answers:**
  •   – B (email): Irrelevant to physical letters.
  •   – C (phone): Irrelevant to sending letters.
  •   – D (office): Irrelevant to sending letters.

8: He planted a ________ in the garden.

  • – **Correct Answer: A (tree)**
  •   – **Explanation:** Trees are commonly planted in gardens.
  • – **Incorrect Answers:**
  •   – B (table): Tables are not planted.
  •   – C (chair): Chairs are not planted.
  •   – D (wall): Walls are not planted.

9: They heard a loud ________ during the storm.

  • – **Correct Answer: B (thunder)**
  •   – **Explanation:** Thunder is commonly heard during storms.
  • – **Incorrect Answers:**
  •   – A (whisper): Whispers are quiet, not loud.
  •   – C (clock): Clocks don’t relate to storms.
  •   – D (song): Songs are not related to storms.

10: She used the ________ to dry her hair.

  • – **Correct Answer: A (towel)**
  •   – **Explanation:** Towels are used for drying hair.
  • – **Incorrect Answers:**
  •   – B (comb): Combs are used for styling, not drying.
  •   – C (scissors): Scissors are used for cutting, not drying.
  •   – D (soap): Soap is used for washing, not drying.

Level 2 Exercise 1

1 She put the flowers in a ________.

  • Correct Answer: B (vase)
    • Explanation: A vase is commonly used to hold flowers.
  • Incorrect Answers:
    • A (cup): Cups are not typically used for flowers.
    • C (box): Boxes are used for storage, not displaying flowers.
    • D (bag): Bags are used for carrying items, not displaying flowers.

2 He writes with his ________ hand.

  • Correct Answer: B (right)
    • Explanation: Refers to which hand someone uses to write, typically left or right.
  • Incorrect Answers:
    • C (long): “Long hand” is not a standard term.
    • D (short): “Short hand” is not a standard term.

3 The sky turned ________ before it started to rain.

  • Correct Answer: D (gray)
    • Explanation: The sky often turns gray before it rains.
  • Incorrect Answers:
    • A (green): Unusual color for the sky.
    • B (blue): The sky is blue on clear days.
    • C (red): The sky is red during sunset or sunrise, not before rain.

4 They sat on the ________ to watch the sunset.

  • Correct Answer: C (bench)
    • Explanation: Benches are often used for sitting outside.
  • Incorrect Answers:
    • A (floor): Not typical for outdoor seating.
    • B (roof): Unusual and unsafe for watching sunsets.
    • D (road): Dangerous and not comfortable for sitting.

5 She enjoys reading ________ in her free time.

  • Correct Answer: A (books)
    • Explanation: Reading books is a common leisure activity.
  • Incorrect Answers:
    • B (letters): Not as common for leisure reading.
    • C (signs): Unlikely leisure activity.
    • D (lists): Lists are usually functional, not for enjoyment.

6 He was feeling ________ after his long run.

  • Correct Answer: B (thirsty)
    • Explanation: Running often makes people thirsty.
  • Incorrect Answers:
    • A (hungry): Possible but thirst is more immediate after exercise.
    • C (sleepy): Likely, but tired would be used rather than sleepy.
    • D (bored): Unlikely after physical activity.

7 They decided to meet at the ________ for lunch.

  • Correct Answer: C (restaurant)
    • Explanation: Restaurants are typical places to have lunch.
  • Incorrect Answers:
    • A (station): More common for travel.
    • B (office): Less common for a lunch meeting.
    • D (school): Unlikely for a lunch meeting.

8 She bought a ________ for her friend’s birthday.

  • Correct Answer: A (gift)
    • Explanation: Gifts are typical for birthdays.
  • Incorrect Answers:
    • B (ticket): Possible but not as general as “gift.”
    • C (bag): Could be a gift, but “gift” is more general.
    • D (book): Could be a gift, but “gift” is more general.

9 The cat is sleeping on the ________.

  • Correct Answer: D (bed)
    • Explanation: Beds are common places for cats to sleep.
  • Incorrect Answers:
    • A (chair): Possible, but bed is more common.
    • B (table): Less common for cats to sleep.
    • C (floor): Possible, but bed is more common.

10 They traveled to the ________ for their vacation.

  • Correct Answer: C (beach)
    • Explanation: Beaches are common vacation destinations.
  • Incorrect Answers:
    • A (city): Possible, but beach is more universally recognized as a vacation spot.
    • B (village): Less common for vacations.
    • D (mountain): Possible, but beach is more typical.

Level 2 Exercise 2

  • Correct Answer: B (tea)
    • Explanation: “Tea” is a common morning beverage for many people, making it the most logical choice.
  • Incorrect Answers:
    • A (water): While water is essential, the phrase “couldn’t start his day without a cup of” typically refers to a more specific beverage.
    • C (juice): Juice is less commonly associated with starting the day compared to tea or coffee.
    • D (milk): Milk is less likely to be a standalone morning beverage compared to tea.
  • Correct Answer: A (loud)
    • Explanation: A loud room would make it difficult to hear someone speaking.
  • Incorrect Answers:
    • B (quiet): A quiet room would make it easier to hear someone speaking.
    • C (empty): An empty room wouldn’t necessarily affect the ability to hear someone.
    • D (crowded): While a crowded room could be noisy, “loud” directly addresses the difficulty in hearing.
  • Correct Answer: B (nostalgia)
    • Explanation: Nostalgia is a common feeling when looking at old photographs, as they often evoke memories of the past.
  • Incorrect Answers:
    • A (hunger): Hunger is unrelated to looking at photographs.
    • C (excitement): While possible, excitement is less commonly associated with old photographs than nostalgia.
    • D (curiosity): Curiosity is possible, but nostalgia fits the context better.
  • Correct Answer: C (remarkable)
    • Explanation: “Remarkable” indicates a noteworthy or impressive time, fitting the context of finishing a race.
  • Incorrect Answers:
    • A (slow): A slow time wouldn’t typically be noteworthy in a positive sense.
    • B (competitive): While possible, “competitive” doesn’t convey the same level of distinction as “remarkable.”
    • D (disappointing): This would imply a negative outcome, which isn’t supported by the context.
  • Correct Answer: A (brief)
    • Explanation: A brief walk after dinner is a common, casual activity.
  • Incorrect Answers:
    • B (fast): A fast walk is less commonly referred to after dinner.
    • C (slow): While possible, “brief” better fits the common context of a post-dinner activity.
    • D (quiet): Quiet doesn’t describe the duration or nature of the walk.
  • Correct Answer: C (canceled)
    • Explanation: Rain often leads to outdoor events being canceled.
  • Incorrect Answers:
    • A (delayed): While possible, delayed implies the event will still happen later.
    • B (postponed): Similar to delayed, postponed means the event is rescheduled, not canceled.
    • D (rescheduled): This implies a new date, whereas “canceled” means it won’t happen.
  • Correct Answer: B (nervous)
    • Explanation: Nervousness is a common emotion students feel about exams.
  • Incorrect Answers:
    • A (excited): While possible, excited is less common compared to nervous.
    • C (indifferent): Indifference is less likely as exams are significant.
    • D (confident): Confidence is possible but not as universally relatable as nervousness.
  • Correct Answer: B (drinks)
    • Explanation: Drinks are a common and necessary item for a picnic.
  • Incorrect Answers:
    • A (games): Games are optional, not essential.
    • C (books): Books are unlikely to be necessary for a picnic.
    • D (flowers): Flowers are decorative and not a necessity for a picnic.
  • Correct Answer: A (permanent)
    • Explanation: A permanent job is a desired outcome after a long search.
  • Incorrect Answers:
    • B (temporary): This implies the job isn’t a long-term solution.
    • C (difficult): This describes the nature of the job, not the stability.
    • D (easy): The difficulty level of the job is unrelated to the context of finding a stable job.
  • Correct Answer: D (fake)
    • Explanation: A fake smile is a specific type of smile that can be easily recognized.
  • Incorrect Answers:
    • A (sad): While possible, sad doesn’t fit as well in the context without more information.
    • B (happy): A happy smile is less likely to need specific mention.
    • C (nervous): A nervous smile is specific but less common in this phrasing.

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